🎧 - aether - mockingbird

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dad figure aether woooo (totally not based on my daddy issues)

You had been in your room for weeks, upset. Your dad was back on his bullshit, acting like he wanted to be in your life. Like he wanted to finally be a parent. Then all of a sudden, he ghosted you yet again. It seemed like he just never had time for you. Your childhood was full of nothing but longing. Longing for your dad to just acknowledge that you exist. To just give you some kind of attention. It wasn't fair. He gave your half siblings all his attention, and you never received so much as one text. You couldn't take it anymore, you threw your phone out of rage. It shattered with a satisfying crush.

You felt tears begin to well in your eyes. You missed your dad. You wanted to just have a father more than anything. Tears trickled down your cheeks. You sniffled.

You suddenly heard a soft knock on the door, followed by a familiar voice.

"___..? Everything alright in there?" he asked with his soft, british dialect. When you didn't answer, he walked in. His eyes immediately widened when he saw you standing there. His gaze shifted to the shattered phone. The quintessence ghoul looked back at you.

"What happened?" he asked gently, carefully approaching you. You immediately sobbed harder, which made him sigh and wrap his arms around you in a hug. You felt safe and loved in his warm embrace. You cried for a while, and he held you. Not a word was spoken between the two of you.

Eventually, your tears ceased. He smiled softly at you.

"Feeling better, kiddo? I know how good it feels to just let it all out." he said with a smile. You wiped your tears and smiled up at him. He sat you down on your bed. He went into your closet, and got your comfiest clothes out. He handed them to you.

"Get changed, alright love? I'll be waiting in the common room when you're done." he told you, leaving the room. He closed the door behind him. You looked at the clothes. He gave you a baggy, black band t-shirt, and some comfy sweatpants. You quickly changed, putting some simple white crocs on.

You left your room for the first time in a while, walking to the common room. The ghoul was sitting there on the couch, scrolling through his phone as he waited. He noticed you and looked up from it with a smile.

"Ready to go?" he asked, standing up and putting his phone into his pocket.

"Wait—Go? Where are we going?" you replied, a bit confused.

"Don't worry about it." he said with a smile, walking to the front door of the ministry. You followed closely behind, placing your full trust in the quintessence ghoul. You honestly trusted him with your life. He always made you feel safe and included, like you were important. You followed him to his old, faded truck. The windshield was a bit cracked, and it had a small dent in the back fender.

He opened the passenger side door for you. You got into the truck, and sat down. He went around to the driver's side, and hopped in. Aether put his seat belt on and looked at you.

"Where do you wanna go? Just name a place, we can go there." he told you as he started the engine.

You were shocked. No one had ever done this sort of thing for you before. You thought for a moment, before you answered his question.

"...Can we go to Sonic?" you asked, looking back at him.

"Of course! Need me a good milkshake." he replied with a breathy chuckle, turning the radio on. Through the annoying radio static, you recognized the tune. It was The Great Escape, by BOYS LIKE GIRLS. Aether drove down the empty back road, singing along. He belted the lyrics, encouraging you to join him. Of course, he didn't sound the best, but that didn't stop him at all.

"Sing it, ___!" he told you. You giggled and joined in on his singing. You two finished the song, giggling.

"Hey, wanna go fast?" the quintessence ghoul asked with a smirk.

"No! No, no, no! Aether, don't! You'll get a ticket!" you yelped. He giggled mischievously and sped up, speeding down the road. You clutched the handle above you for dear life. He slowed back down to the speed limit, chuckling.

"Did I scare ya, love?" he asked with a giggle.

"Don't do that again!" you cried, letting go. You obviously weren't too upset, but he enjoyed spooking you a bit.

You two arrived at the Sonic drive through. The light in the neon sign was going out, flickering in your vision. He ordered himself an Oreo  blast, and then turned to you.

"What would you like? You can have anything you want, you deserve it." he told you with a big smile. You looked at the menu, thinking.

"Can I have..a breakfast Toaster with tots?" you asked him. He nodded and told the lady tending the drive through your order. You soon received your order, the worker skating to your car. He handed a bag with your food to you. It smelled absolutely mouth watering. You hadn't eaten in a while, and just needed something in your system.

You quickly ate the breakfast sandwich, the flavor of the bacon and cheese flooding your taste buds. Aether drank his milkshake. He offered you a taste, which you gladly accepted. The ice cream tasted quite good, and the crunch of the Oreo pieces gave it a nice texture. You two both quickly finished your food, and just kept aimlessly driving around. The radio was cranked up high, and Aether was singing along, his arm out of the rolled down window.

Suddenly, Mockingbird, by Eminem, came on. It hit a little too close to home. Once the chorus came, Aether looked at you as he sang it.

"Now hush little baby, don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright. Stiffen that upper lip up, little lady. I told ya, daddy's here to hold ya through the night." he sang a bit softer with a gentle smile. You returned the smile. The truth was, Aether really was the father you never had. He had taken you under his wing from the very beginning, when you had first joined the band. He always cared for you, and made sure that you were alright and happy. You really appreciated all the times he cheered you up.

However, after about two hours of this, you felt your tiredness seeping in. Your eyes fluttered shut; and you fell asleep in the passenger seat.

The next morning, you awoke in your bed. You remembered the night before with Aether and smiled warmly at the memory. You got out of bed, and walked to the kitchen, and were met with the sight of Aether making some scrambled eggs.

"Morning, kiddo." he greeted you, beaming.

"Thank you for last night, really. I appreciate it a lot." you thanked him, smiling a bit.

"Don't mention it. You know I'd do anything to keep that smile on your face." he said affectionately.

"I love you, dad." you said, looking up at him. His eyes widened, but his expression quickly softened.

"Love ya too, kiddo."


A/N: So this chapter was primarily for me,  because my dad did the same thing. Ignore the cringe bits though 💀

Words: 1255

- Kitty

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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