Chapter 9 - It was my fault-

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The radio demon barely managed to notice that someone had called him.In his mind echoed only the noise his body emitted and the screams he had trapped over his very long years. A familiar scent greeted his nostrils, soothing the pain and bringing his consciousness back to the surface.He smiled with difficulty when he finally added: "who do we see... His Highness has decided to pay us a visit..."The words came out without hiding the resentment.With great effort he finally managed to sit up, one arm wrapped around his waist and his face completely transfigured. None of this mattered though, his breathing did not return to regularity and he felt that hunger begin to eat away at him from within and Lucifer's proximity did not help."I happily notice that even under these conditions you still manage to be adorable."Lucifer rolled his eyes slightly in exasperation as he watched the demon more carefully.He did not look well.

Panic welled up inside him as the knowledge began to sink in that it was his act, innocent of course, of offering him his blood that had triggered such a reaction.In his defence, he mentally repeated to himself, he could not have known since such a situation had never arisen and would also explain his sensitivity to the presence of the radio demon."There, that explains it. I had no reason to worry."Being able to finally name things properly certainly made him much more inclined to help.He sat down beside him. One arm went around the radio demon's waist while the other went around his neck.The position was somewhat awkward and he could feel the intense heat coming from Alastor's body; it was not a good sign.

"What do you want to do?" demanded Alastor, observing the scene through blurred lenses and the desire to push him onto that floor and take what he wanted.He forcefully swallowed another amount of saliva, breathing deeply and trying not to be overwhelmed by the scent of Lucifer's skin."You know, you might as well shut up for once and let the adults do their thing." Observing them from the outside, the scene was quite amusing.Lucifer was using his body to support as best he could the radio demon, who was much taller than him, once he saw him stable enough and ready to crack jokes he decided to take a few steps supporting him until he reached the lift. They couldn't stay in the hall.Charlie would be worried and would have to give explanations he preferred to avoid."Are you sure about the word adult?""... Prick..." he muttered in reply, hinting a slight laugh before ushering him inside the lift.

Alastor could not bear to feel so out of control. He felt the static energy giving him trouble and interfering with the lift energy. His body gave off a faint green glow. Lucifer watched everything, worried but not too worried as he would find a solution.He had to find a solution.Once he had opened the lift doors, he guided him to his quarters. His room was not much different from his study. It was filled with small rubber ducks, a few family portraits and photos of Charlie and on the bedside table a smaller portrait of him and Lilith together. The photo depicted one of their first moments as rulers of that cursed kingdom.Lucifer barely had time to realise what was happening.Alastor had sprouted tentacles from behind his body.They were pure energy and were part of him.They grabbed him by the arm and pushed him onto the four-poster bed. The fallen angel bumped his back against the soft mattress before finding himself pinned again by Alastor's tentacles.The latter found him on top of him.

He could see his lips half open from which saliva flowed and his eyes completely transformed and lit up with desire.One leg brushed against his as he tried to appear calm; when he wasn't calm." You do know, right, that I can free myself without any issues?" asked Lucifer with a certain obviousness. Alastor let out a slight laugh as he leaned more over him. Their faces were close now, too close.The radio demon did not seem to hear him. His mind was a thousand miles away and he could do absolutely nothing to retrieve it.Lucifer bit his lip, for by now they had reached the point where there was only one thing to do, no matter how unpleasant for him there was no other solution.He tilted his head slightly, showing his bare neck to the radio demon. His hands were clawing at the mattress as he used them as leverage to lower himself even further. He brushed the exposed skin with the tip of his nose, intoxicated by the sensation that was driving his mind crazy.He did not stop to think about anything else.

Increasing the grip of his tentacles around Lucifer's wrists, he sank his teeth into his flesh, tearing it apart until he had access to the forbidden fruit.Lucifer barely groaned in pain, squinted slightly as he clutched the mattress beneath him and the blankets with his hands.An apple.That was the taste that had driven him mad.It was the taste of an apple, sweet and decadent at the same time while its nectar tasted of honey and when it touched his tongue all his senses were heightened and he felt the fog begin to clear. It was light, life and joy in its purest and simplest form. Every cell of his being seemed to be shot through with a strong discharge. All senses were heightened once more and calmness returned to dominate the frenzy.Lucifer bit his lip as he watched out of the corner of his eye as the demon slowly regained control of his person until he withdrew his tentacles.Everything that was happening, even being forcibly restrained on his own mattress, was a direct consequence of his being naive.

He was the ruler of hell, but he was not really capable of doing anything constructive like helping those who were sick."What am I here for? I cannot do anything...This whole predicament is my own fault."He loosened his grip on the mattress with one hand. The pain in his neck was becoming more and more persistent and the lack of blood he would pay for it later, but he was more worried about Alastor.He couldn't bear to see him like this.He placed his hand on the demon's back, bringing him a little closer together as he moved slightly to the side to give him more access.It was the least he could do.A sharp sound, like the interruption of a transmission, accompanied that movement and one of Alastor's hands rested on his side to pull him under.

Their bodies rubbed against each other in a friction that was not at all unpleasant. An electric shock went through Lucifer from head to toe and he bit his lip to keep a groan from escaping his lips."... Enough!" it was the command from his voice that surprised him.He was really commanding it.Words had always had a lot of power in his eyes, but when his voice lowered and transfigured becoming more hoarse was when he demanded attention and respect. The radio demon was not immune to the effects of 'command', after all he was still one of many sinners.Holding his hand firmly on Lucifer's hip, he rose from his comfortable, sheltered position. His forelock was completely out of place, his breath was ragged and rivulets of golden blood ran down his lips. His free hand went to his face to wipe it clean, collecting the last drops and licking them away with an ecstatic expression.The fog had finally cleared and he could think with his mind again.

Their eyes actually met for the first time at that instant. Alastor's smile seemed more awkward than normal, less natural, and showed the same inner worry and panic he had experienced after fighting Adam.Lucifer had commanded him.He had exercised his authority over him. The radio demon watched as Lucifer pressed a free hand to the wound while a note of warmth had coloured his face.

"We need to talk."

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