Togemon in Toy Town

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Narrator Mimi: Of all the strange things that happened to us on Digimon Island, I never expected to find a secret admirer in the sewer...

[digidestined and Digimon are shown walking in sewer]

Taichi: Ok, everybody, let's sing the song that Agumon wrote for us!

All: Digimon eat and Digimon fight, Digimon digivolve and fight all night.

Palmon: Singing sure is fun!

Agumon: Now let's try some solo performances, starting with Mimi.

[Kids stop walking and make faces.]

Taichi: Mimi?

Sora: Mimi?

Yamato: Singing?

Jou: Mercy!

[Mimi, delighted, closes her eyes, and begins to sing rather badly...]

Mimi: Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roooooooam!

Jou sings: Avoiding your drone!

Mimi: Hey, come on, I had music lessons for three years.

Takeru innocently: Oh, you did? Did it help?

Kuoshiro: Ha, Mimi, you should get a refund, that's what I think.

Sora: Then let's just stick to sing as a group!

Taichi: Let's go!

[the kids all begin to march and sing]

All: Digimon fight and Digimon fly, Digimon digivolve an--

Sora: Ahh! Stop it!

[Everyone abruptly stops, and Sora is crying.]

Biyomon and Agumon worriedly: Awwww...

Izumi: Are you okay, Sora?

Taichi: Sora, are you all right?

Yamato : Yeah, what's the matter?

Sora: Well, some water fell from up there...

[Another drop of water falls from the ceiling and onto her shirt.]

[Kuoshiro points to the wet spot on Sora's shirt]

Kuoshiro: That made you scream?

Sora: Yeah... no...uh...

[she sheepishly wipes off water as Taichi and the others look on worriedly.]

Sora: I used to sing at home.

[ Very long clothes line is shown, with lots of white clothes pinned on. Sora later appears, pinning up the clothes]

Sora: I used to sing to myself all the time when I would do my chores, especially when I'd hang clothes to dry outside, I'd sing really loud 'cause...nobody could hear me then.

[her eyes water]

Agumon: It's ok to miss your home, Sora. What do you miss, Taichi?

Taichi: Hmm?

[show Taichi taking a bath]

Taichi: I miss playing sports and then taking a nice hot bath.

[show him leaning back in the tub too far, losing his balance, and falling back in the water with a yell]

Takeru: games...

[show Takeru playing videogames]

Takeru: I wasn't far from beating Yamato  on my video games.

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