The Birth of Greymon

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Taichi: So let me bring you up to speed. Me and the other seven kids and I were kicking back at summer camp when a freak snowstorm hits. We find these digivices and bam! The next thing you know, we're transported to this whacked out island. One by one, we make friends with these creatures who are known as digital monsters or digimon. Everything was cool until Kuwagamon showed up. Our new friends somehow digivolved into bigger digimon and scared him off. Or so we thought. Talk about your cliffhangers!

[The kids and their digimon are falling from the cliff through the air.]

Biyomon: Sora!

Tentomon: Koushiro!

Patamon: Takeru!

[The three flying digimon desperately grab onto their human friends and fly hard to keep them from falling, but the combined weight is too much, and they all continue falling. Palmon, holding tightly to Mimi, whips out a Poison Ivy attack, clinging to a rock jutting from the cliff face. The rock comes loose from the wall and follows Palmon and Mimi as they fall. Gomamon and Jou are the first to hit the water below.]

Gomamon: Fish net!

[Around Gomamon, hundreds of fish surface and swim together, forming a floating raft which picks Jou out of the water and catches the others as they land]

Taichi: Wow. This is some ride.

Yamato: What? Hey, look out!

[From far above them, the Kuwagamon falls from the cliff as well and takes a large part of the rocky edge with him. The kids scream as the boulders and the larger digimon fall toward them.]

Gomamon: Look out!

[The fish raft moves faster, and the beetle monster and the boulders splash into the water behind them. The impact sends huge waves at the raft, and the kids and their digimon hang on, screaming. The group rests on the beach, safe at last.]

Yamato: I knew we'd be okay. I wasn't worried.

Izumi: Sure

Jou: Well, what was that? A floating fish market?

Gomamon: Lucky for us, those fish were having a school reunion. Ha ha! I'm kidding. Those fish are good friends of mine, and I just asked them for a lift.

Jou: And all these years, I thought I was allergic to seafood! Thank you! Uh, I guess it's not Bukamon?

Gomamon: Gomamon, now.

Jou: Gomamon, hmm.

Takeru: And I guess that you're not Tokomon, are you?

Patamon: Mm, mm! Now I'm Patamon.

Agumon: It's all because we digivolved.

Taichi: I don't think that word's in my dictionary.

Koushiro: So digivolving is what happens when they advance to the next level and become more powerful than before.

Izumi: Like a video game?

Tentomon: Right! All of us are digivolved. I went from Motimon to Tentomon.

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