Stay At My Room...

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Luna decided to go with Maya to stay at Luna's room

*Luna grabs Maya's hand*

Luna: Let's go to my room..

*She opens her front door*

Luna: I've added some posters at my wall to make it look better.. what do you think?

Maya: Looks nicer! Your room still look a bit messy though.. Would you like me to clean it up?

Luna: Yeah, that's fine..

In Luna's Mind: She cares my room too, how sweet..

Maya: Your parents haven't got to clean your room?

Luna: They're a bit busy.. so I haven't got the chance to clean it too..

Maya: Oh alright, we sort out all of the clothes..

*6 minutes passed*

Maya: See~ that looks so much better!

Luna: Now my room looks more wide and neat..

Maya: By the help of your girlfriend! I should definitely clean your room more often *laughs*

Luna: I'm a bit tired..

Maya: You wanna sleep together?

(In Maya's Mind): Did I just say that out loud..?

Luna: Um.. I- I don't know.. about that... *blushes*

Maya: Come on~ it's not wrong is it? *smiles*

Luna: No, not at all.. *kisses Maya*

Hmngh.. hmm~ ahh..

*Maya kisses Luna's neck*

Luna: W- wait! Not there.. M- Maya...

Maya: Stop moving~ *smiles*

*knocking on the door*

Luna: Ah! Jeez!

Maya: That scared me..

Luna: Who is it?!

Luna's Dad Zack across the door

Zack: Its just me Luna.. Is Maya in the room?

Luna: Yeah! Is mom here?

Zack: She's not here right now, she wanted to buy more groceries..

Luna: Oh alright.. WOA- *Luna got dragged by Maya*

*Luna ended up pinning Maya on the bed*

Luna: Ow! Maya..

Maya: Sorry.. you're just so cute... *smiles*

Luna: But you're more cuter... *smiles back*

*Maya kisses Luna*

Hmmgh~ mmm~ agh..

Luna: Take off your clothes.

Maya: Hey.. straight forward with that..

Luna: Sorry it's just, you kept touching me like you want me to..

Maya: Like what?

Luna: J- just take off your clothes now.. *blushes*

🔞Was It Good?🔞

*They both slowly take their clothes off they started to breathe uncontrollably*

Luna: So.. I ordered many stuff I could hit y-

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