Admirable equation

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When I first saw you
My heart races like a sine wave, crystal clear
Your smile, a constant, like pi,
Admiring you, an equation,
I can't deny.

Your smile, a constant that brightens my day,
An equation I can't solve, no matter what I say.
Your laughter, an expression of pure delight,
An equation I ponder on, day and night.

Like a quadratic equation, you're complex yet
With every interaction, my heart keeps on believing.
I try to solve the equation, find the value of x
But the answer eludes me, leaving me perplexed.

Your eyes, like algebraic expressions, hold a secret,
A hidden equation that my heart yearns to meet.
I analyze the signs, the symbols in your gaze,
Hoping to find the solution in infinite ways.

But alas, my dear crush, you remain an enigma,
An equation that defies logic, causing a dilemma.
I'll continue to solve that equation
And made a right solution,
Hoping one day that I will solve it correctly
And our hearts intersect directly

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