Mother's love

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Mother, your love is the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, a constant that never changes, an eternal force that endures. You are the x variable in the equation of my life, guiding me through the unknown, through joy and strife. Your wisdom is the derivative of experience, shaping and molding my path with precision and coherence.

Like the Fibonacci sequence, your love is infinite, a pattern of care and warmth that never diminishes. You are the sine and cosine of my existence, oscillating with my heartbeats, a rhythm that never misses. Your love is the summation of all my experiences, the integral that nurtures my soul, the limit that I never reach.

Mother, you are the equation that defines me, the constant that sustains me, the variable that shapes me. Your love is the axis around which my life revolves, the graph that plots my journey, the geometry that defines my soul. Thank you for being my mother, my teacher, my friend, my everything.

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