Sword fight

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After the tour, Gaius dropped me off at where Merlin is. I helped him with the chores he had to do while we talked. We would ask each other random questions to pass the time. I told him about my mom, Paul, Estelle, and Percy. He told me about his mom and childhood. It was nice knowing someone who also left their family to come to Camelot. We head over to the field that Leon is training in. Once we get there I see the tall blonde who was mistrusting towards me. I make eye contact with Leon and wave smiling.

"Leon!" I yell running over pulling Merlin along but is quickly called by the blonde.

"Hey (y/n). How was the tour?"

"It was good. The castle is so pretty. I finished the tour early so I've been spending time with Merlin."

"(Y/n), Merlin stand back. A practice fight is about to start"

"That's fun. My brother and I used to practice sword fighting all the time."

"Really? How? With sticks?"

"No, we fought with real swords. Mine is a beauty. It's a greek sword with a trident handle."

"You sword fight? You and Lady Morgana will get along. She is the only other woman I know who can and is willing to fight."

"Well now I got to meet her."

"Leon!" The blonde calls. "It's your turn."

"Have fun!" I wish him. I walk over to Merlin. "Is this how the training normally is?"

"Kinda. Today is less of a practice but more duels to train for the competition coming up soon. It's where all the swordsmen or fighters in the realm come to duel in a 1 v 1 fight. The prize is a chest and honor as well as a dance with Lady Morgana."

"Fun." I turn my head to see the blonde and Leon starting to fight. I pay attention to the stances and I automatically turn into my teaching mode. Dam, all those years at camp made me not be able to see a fight without finding ways the fighters can increase their chance to win. I start making mental notes. His stance is unbalanced. He should rely less on pure strength and more on strategy. Once the battle came to an end, the blonde won and Leon lost. I start making my way over ignoring the other knight's stares. "Hey guys! Good job fighting."

"Thank you (y/n)" Leon smiled tiredly.

I then start having a mental battle on whether I should correct them. I then face the blonde, "By any chance, can I fix something real quick?"

"Sure?" He said confused.

"Thanks. You should fix your stance. It is vulnerable to an attack and leaves you with less speed to dodge the opponent's attack. You should stand like this." I then fix his stance. "What was your name again?"

"It's Prince Arthur," He says, shocked. "How do you know all that?"

"My brother and I sword fought a lot."

"Is that so?"

(Sorry for not publishing for so long!!!)

The Love Triangle of Camelot: Merlin x Reader x ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now