Chapter 31 - Enter The Shibuya Incident (Part 8)

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Italics means action

Bold means thinking

Underline means new POV


"Come on...just make it to the main area where someone can see you" Y/N said to himself as he was crawling into the main area of Shibuya until he heard walking behind him

"Look at this...Satoru Gojos Granchild eh? I never thought I would live to see the day another Gojo was born."

Y/N felt himself get picked up and as he slowly looked up, he panicked at the view of who it was

"I've haunted your's about time I caught up to you Y/N Gojo."

"F-fuck you

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"F-fuck you..." was all Y/N could get out of this mouth

"Put him down Sukuna." A voice called out in the distance

"Ahhhh kukuku, if it isn't the brat?"

"I'm not gonna tell you again. Put. My. Kid. Down." Yuji said with a fierce tone

Sukuna dropped Y/N to the ground as he turned to Yuji

"I don't feel like fighting you just yet. I mean you're half burnt and that Reverse Cursed Technique saved your life. I want to be able to kill you when you're 100% so for now...I'll leave you a little present you brat. Furube Yurayura Yatsuka-no-Tsurugi Ikaishinshō Makora, Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine GENERAL MAHORAGA!"

 Furube Yurayura Yatsuka-no-Tsurugi Ikaishinshō Makora, Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine GENERAL MAHORAGA!"

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"I'll leave this little present for you to deal with brat...until then I'll be working on my own plans" Sukuna smirked as the beast known as Mahoraga walked towards Yuji

"Well I'll be dammned. This is the one that took down Gojo-Sensei. Fine then." Yuji said to himself as he teleported to Y/N and picked him up and put him some place away from their battle that was about to commence

"He's out cold...I'll be back Gojo-san"

"Now have a little taste" Yuji smirked as Mahoraga stared him down and pulled out a sword and tried slicing Yuji but Yuji was quick and blocked it above his head. Yuji then let go and teleported right next to Mahoragas head and kicked him and then chanted

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