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(If you were like me and didn't know what DXD was and randomly stumbled upon it in your recommendations and thought the 18+ rating was for the violence like AOT then I'm sure you can relate to this meme)

Hello everyone! Tomorrow I will be dropping a new chapter for this book so sorry if you thought this was a chapter but I have to wonder from you guys, what can I work on? What are some things you think I could try to fix or improve in my writing such as pacing, character development, not enough action or romance, is the book too boring, not enough fan service, or plot too complex or unrealistic? I just want some of your guys feedback and don't be afraid to rip into me a little! Other than that, thank you guys for 6.5k reads on Given a New Life. I never thought my book would make it this far. Hopefully we can get to 10k reads. Again, thank you all for your support and please drop some feedback!

Given a New Life (Highschool DXD X Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now