Louie's Eleven (A Donald/Louie/Dewey Story)

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Donald, Panchito and José had been going to different rich people's houses and preformed for them, but not because they were asked to sing. They had been preforming to find someone to sponsor them so that they could travel the world and preform gigs like they had always dreamed of returning to. The last person of the day, they were trying to get sponsored by, was Scrooge. They set up their instruments and readied the lights, Panchito started strumming his guitar in a very haunting melody. Donald lifted the mic he had up to his beak and began to sing, but was interrupted by Panchito stealing his solo.

"Hear my voice, As I'm calling out to you. Hear my voice. There are things I wish you knew..." "Drop the beat!" Suddenly José interrupted and began dancing during Panchito's solo that he stole from Donald, the music went to a cha-cha rhythm. Panchito groaned at José. "Argh, I was getting to the good part!" "Exactly! This is the good part!" José smiled and continued to dance. Panchito got angry and charged at José, they both fought on the floor and Donald tried to get them to stop. "Guys! Guys! I don't think..." Donald accidentally got roped into the fight his friends were having, nearby scrooge turned off the radio they were using for their song. "Sorry, to interrupt, BUT WHY ARE YOU IN MY BATHROOM?!!!" 

Scrooge had been in the bath while they rudely intrupted his peace and gave their unwelcome performance. Still, they smiled and pressed on explaining their reason for playing and singing for him. "We wanted to give you a taste of our—" "As yet unpaid for—" "Global tour!" Panchito and José spoke over each other excitedly as they explained. "Now, we know how busy you are..." José started, Scrooge folded his arms irritatedly. "But we also know how devastated you would be if you missed out on the chance to sponsor us!" Panchito added. 

"We don't need money." Donald pushed as he got close to his uncle. "All we need is equipment, a tour bus, a plane with our faces on it..." Panchito explained, José and Donald rolled their eyes at him, all he ever cared about was his good looks and his singing. Scrooge growled at them invading his peace. "That's ridiculous!" José started, "Scrooge is far too busy and important to go plane shopping." Panchito pushed José out of the way and spoke. "You're right, we'll take the money instead." "Fifty million, tops." Donald said to his rich uncle. "Just a small price to pay to be a part of our band's rise to superstardom!" Panchito finished, Scrooge suddenly yelled out for assistance. "DUCKWORTH!!!" 

Duckworth appeared as Demon Duckworth and growled at the nervous trio. Not a moment later had Duckworth gathered up the friends and threw them out the front door! "No solicitors!" He shouted at them, then slammed the front door shut behind them. They winced and out up and gathered their composure, or more so what was left of it.

José That's the fourth rich guy's bathroom we've been kicked out of. "What are we doing wrong?" Panchito asked sadly. "We just need someone to listen to us." Donald replied looking down just as sadly. "Oh, I'm listening..." A voice said from behind them, they all turned to see Louie with his hood on and looking at them maliciously. "You three wanna be famous?" He asked smiling. "Uh, sure." Donald said curiously, Panchito and José jumped at this new chance to stardom. "Absolutely!" "More than anything!" Louie smile got bigger, he looked to the trio slyly. "And you are willing to do whatever I say, at any cost whatsoever?" He asked, Donald tried to say no. There was no way he was going to follow along with his most deceiving nephew's crazy schemes. 

"Well, not any—" "Quiet Donald!" Panchito shut Donald's beak shut and leaned over him, looking to Louie expectantly. "We'll pay you two fold!" José shouted as a counter deal. "Then, do do I have a scheme for you." Louie said taking off his hood and opening the front door. "This way please." Panchito and José gushed excitedly, truly believing that Louie could really help them become famous, Donald knew this would all go south if Louie wasn't carful. He sigh as he had to accept that his friends wouldn't drop this scheme Louie had prepared. "Ho, boy..."

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