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My name is Harumi and this is my story. In fact, I'm not rich at all. I used to be as poor as my late parents. I don't know why they did it, why they left me, but I know I understand them. Maybe they only wanted the best for me, so they put me in an orphanage. I don't blame them. Since then, my life has changed completely. I was adopted by very wealthy people who couldn't have a child. They are probably the richest in the whole country. When they adopted me, they were so happy. They didn't miss anything anymore. It was my parents and me. Beautiful family. As I grew over the years, I was taught how to handle money, ever since 7 years, I had to learn accounting. Crazy, right? It was incredibly difficult and I didn't care at all. I preferred more creative things, such as dancing, music, singing. I loved music, it was my passion. For a long time, I persuaded my parents to buy me a piano. It's an amazing instrument, I played it almost every day. My stepdad didn't like it. He hated it when I played the piano, so one day he got rid of it without my knowledge. I hated him for that. But my mother understood me, so she allowed me to have at least piano lessons with my teacher. It was nice of her and I really appreciate it. I love it here, but sometimes I feel like falling out of there. Somewhere away, far from here. Being rich means having everything, but at the same time it's like having nothing. I don't even have friends. Rather, only those who talk to me just because they know I'm rich, they don't care about anything else.


It was morning and I couldn't kick myself out of bed at all. Why is it so hard to wake up in the morning? I sighed and tried to dig myself out of that bed. Suddenly my chambermaid came here.

Chambermaid: "good morning lady, is it time to get up, I will bring you breakfast in a moment or will you want to eat in the dining room?".

Harumi: "yes miss, I'll eat in the dining room I'll come in a moment, thank you".

As she was leaving, I went to change out of my pajamas into something comfortable. Quick dress, I adjusted myself to look noble and went to breakfast.

My parents were already waiting for me there, so I said good morning to them and sat down at the table. Most of the time, my parents and I don't eat breakfast in the dining room, so I expected them to react to it.

Dad: "How come you have breakfast with us? You're mostly just with yourself, what's changed?".

Harumi: "Nothing, Dad. Only today I am probably in a good mood, so I would like to spend this day with you".

Dad: "So I'm glad you finally decided to come and spend time with us." As he finished saying this, he paused for a moment and looked as if he wanted to say something more. So he looked at me and told me he wanted to talk to me.

Harumi: "What is it about? ".

Dad: "You know... Your mom and I would glad for you to finally find someone. Maybe we could introduce you to someone. Our friends have so many beautiful sons, maybe you will like one of them, and they are exactly your age, my dear.

Harumi: "Don't be serious! I have already told you that I am not interested in anyone, not yet. Please father, give me some more time".

Dad: "how much time do you need... You're 20 in no time. And your mother and I would like to have grandchildren."

Harumi: "Not this. I don't want to have anything with anyone, really. Give me.. One more year daddy please."

Dad: "I'll give you 3 months, no more". As he finished saying this, he stood up from the table and walked away.

My mother looked at me like she wanted to tell me something, but I guess she changed her mind. She also stood up from the table and left.

Now what? What am I going to do?  I'm not ready to have something with someone... From that thought, I went for a walk outside in the garden. Today was really nice. The sun shone beautifully and warmed me to my fingertips. I always felt the best in the garden, the smell of plants was amazing, I loved their scent and especially the roses. Probably the most beautiful flowers I know. White roses.

I was distracted from my thinking by one of our workers. I saw him coming to me, so I asked him.

Harumi: "What do you want?".

The worker: "I wanted to go see your parents, but that's how I met you. I just wanted to say that new employees have arrived. Will you tell your parents to come here?"

Harumi: "yes, I'll come right away". Yes, I have completely forgotten that just today new employees are due to arrive to take care of our field where they will grow and take care of it.

So I went to my parents and told them that our new employees were already here.  The parents talked to them about what to do. They have provided them with new housing, so they will all live right next to us. Then I went to my room. I started reading a book that I've only been reading for about two days and I've read it in no time. It's about how one princess is poor and falls in love with a prince who was rich and couldn't marry her. Poor girl. I don't have to worry about that. Suddenly I hear some singing outside. Wait, is anyone really singing here? I look down through the window and see a boy there with white hair like snow and dressed in all green. He sang beautifully. I heard his song, it was beautiful, and he was pretty too. Ahh, don't think about such foolishness. I walked away from the window and continued reading the book.

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