Chapter seven

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"The Queen calls for you your highness" one of the guards announced after coming into the room. "Do you know why?" Why would the queen want to see me ? "I do not your highness" he replied and I nodded my head at him "consider your message delivered, thank you" I told him politely dismissing him and he disappeared behind the doors.

I walked through the halls of the palace to attend to the queen. I don't know why I'm nervous but my heart has been beating too fast after the guard told me the queen wanted to see me. I'd say a million reasons are running through my head but I find none because I know of no reason why she would summon me. I took a left in the hall and spotted the queen's room at a distance, I headed towards it only to be stopped by a maid telling me the queen wasn't in there. "Where is she ?" I asked her and she told me she just went outside towards the garden but I didn't know where it was either. "Uhm, I hadn't really had a chance to take a tour of the palace ma'am" a pause "could you please help me find the garden ?" I asked her and she agreed instantly with a smile on her face.

From the Queen's room we took a right turn and a far left. Right then there was a door leading to the outside. "Here it is your highness" she smiled and I thanked her. I  stepped outside to find a beautiful garden. The grass was  perfectly green with several types of flowers and roses blending together beautifully. I stood there admiring the beauty before me when I heard someone say "Very beautiful isn't it ?" The Queen appeared behind the bushes holding in her hands a watering can and wore a pair of gloves. "It is indeed beautiful your majesty" I walked towards her in slow movements "oh please, drop the formalities call me mother Elayne" she said with a smile plastered on her face. I couldn't entirely agree to do so, so I changed the subject. "You called for me" and she put the can down next to the set of red and white roses she was watering sliding off her gloves in the process. "Ahh yes, come with me"

I followed her deep into the garden until we stood in the heart of it. There was an outside table with chairs surrounded by beautiful purple tulips. I love tulips, every colour. I admired the tulips from a far which didn't go unnoticed by the queen. "Which is your favorite color?" She asked startling me and bringing me back to reality. "Color?" She took a sip of her coffee and nodded. "I don't really have a specific color of choice your highness, I love each and every one of them" I told her. "You know each color has a meaning, they all represent something. Did you know that ?" I nodded my head looking at her. "The purple around us mean royalty as purple is mostly associated with royalty, the white tulips.." I said pointing to the white tulips across the garden "those mean heaven and newness while the pink show...." I didn't notice I was speaking so much until the queen cut me off "affection and caring" she smiled at me "you really know your flowers don't you ?" I nodded my head "we had a garden back in Avalon, mother used to tell me all about them when I was at the age of ten. She'd always explain what the other meant and what it did not" I only realized I was tearing up when the queen spoke up "you miss her?" She asked and I nodded my head "I do your highness" she gave me an offended look and said "you have only been here for one night and you already miss your mother. What about me ?" She teased "Am I not your mother ?" I smiled at her and cracked a small laughter "yes, yes you are" she gave me a smile back "give your mother a chance then" she held my hand "I know you're not used to being away from her, and I'm not trying to take her place, never but i am your mother here" a pause "if you ever need a mother, talk to me" she smiled and I nodded my head.

We conversed with the queen with smiles and laughter filling the air. It feels nice to have a motherly figure in a place I don't know. Pedro is foreign to me but Queen Lyla has an inviting presence I never expected. Somehow I feel comfortable around her and I can only hope it lasts.

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