delay (updated with paragraph breaks)

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Monday, February 19th, at approximately 3 p.m. JST, the official Roshidere Twitter account announced that the anime will now air in July 2024 rather than April 2024. Several received the notification, including Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou, who was currently walking home from school following a student council meeting, along with her friend Masachika Kuze.

"I can't wait for the all-about Tsukuyomi event; according to leaks, she's going to get about 25 new costumes and a whole event campaign."

"Oh, that's nice." *bleep*

"Wait, hold that thought; I got a notification."

"What is i-"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, it's all over. I can't wait that long." She suddenly dropped to the floor and started bawling her eyes out as if a loved one had just been murdered in front of her.

"What's wrong, Alya?"

"The Roshidere anime has been delayed to July; it's about this girl who is known as the solidarity princess and who speaks Russian, thinking no one understands her, but in reality, one of her friends knows. I was really excited for it, but now I have to wait until July to see it."

"This might sound totally crazy, but I think we're already in Roshidere."

"Wait what?"

"Like that girl who speaks Russian, she sounds just like you from around the time we first met. And that guy, who secretly knows Russian too, sounds just like me. It could just be a coincidence, but if that's the case, that's an unholy coincidence."

"Oh, now that you mention it, their names also happen to be Alisa and Kuze, and from the promotional images they've revealed, they look exactly like us."

"This has got to be more than a coincidence; these similarities are simply uncanny. Also, we should continue discussing this more while sitting at a bench, as we've just been standing here for a few minutes." As Kuze began to wander in search of a bench, Alya nodded in agreement and trailed behind him. After a brief search, he located a suitable spot and settled onto the bench, with Alya joining him moments later.

"So we know that the plot synopsis and the main characters are exactly 1 to 1 compared to how things were not too long ago. Wait, is the anime based on any light novels?"

"Not that I know o-"

"That's actually because I pitched it to Doga Kobo." Grinned Yuki, who appeared out of nowhere

"Yuki, since when are you here?"

"Oh, I was hiding in that bush over there." She said this while pointing to a rough-looking bush.

"Anyways, as I was saying, I pitched the idea to the people at Doga Kobo, and they thought it was so good they made me director on the project and hired someone named Rikku to turn it into a light novel series. Anyway, I would love to sit and chat some more, but I'm running late for a meeting regarding a production delay. See you two later." She waved, then ran unbelievably fast.

"So it was Yuki who came up with the idea."

"Hm neat." In the end, as the anime finally aired, both Alisa and Kuze enjoyed every moment and thanked Yuki for her masterpiece.

End notes:
Thanks for reading this fic. I'm currently working on a few projects, some Roshi-related and some not. For example, as I've said in my two previous fics, I'm writing Roshi Smut, and while I don't have much done with it, I'm proud of what I do have. Another fic I'm working on is a Valentine's Day fic (I know it's almost March, but I'll still release it, dammit) for a non-Roshi series called My Clueless First Friend. I'm also working on the third part of unprotected handholding so that should release soon. Also,  after I release that fic, I'll start writing in 3rd person prospective exclusively. Anyway, have a good day and see you all soon.

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