Chapter 6... Dance Of The Titans

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"[I will never fall in love again until I found her....]"


Like an interdimensional miracle happened, Zeta accidentally exhaled into her body microphone, sending the transmission into Viktor's ears. Yes, they could make a plan. Zeta heard Viktor's breath through her own ear transmitter. Alma calls out to them from the other end. Shock and fear ripped her. She was worried about their safety. "Lamar, Ayisha, please think your next move. Please remain alive," she calls to them.

[Zeta's POV]

As what seemed to be Italian mafia undermen trooped in, Viktor seemed more relaxed than worried, more than I expected him to be. He seemed to have been familiar with all of them. Surprisingly, as who seemed to be their boss come in, he ordered for us to be released. "Release my guests," he said, his tone mixed with sarcasm. "Lamar, Viktor, Joseph," he said, while grabbing his hand. "Alejandro, Dante," he said, grinning wildly. "Now don't be scared, Giovanni is still dead. I am his younger brother. He seniors me with a minute," he said. "I am very sorry for the loss the search for you has caused. But my father before I killed him said I must find you. You see, I am an ally to you, and I apologize for giving you and your wife quite the fright," he said with his Italian accent. "Now why don't we all have a peaceful discussion," and he said something in Italian only Viktor could understand.

"Ayeesha, Alma called out. You have to stop, Lamar. They're going to kill Jin Kai. E capire cosa fare con i nostri amici assonnati qui... Magari metterli a dormire, non credi... That's what he said... You need Jin Kai alive. You need answers."

As they went into an opening, with a thrilled Zeta and Jin Kai trailing behind them, Zeta's mind wandered to the letter Jin Kai wrote about the woman and to how he spoke to her with a sort of familiarity to him. Zeta puked Viktor away and told him her thoughts and how she needed Jin alive. Zeta pulled Viktor aside. "What are you doing?" she asked, breath tensed, clearing him up. "I mean, we can finally go on that date we've always wanted. You're welcome, and if the sound of the trigger might affect you, you might as well sit this one out," Agent he said. "Lamar," she said firmly before she could speak. "Stop," he shunned her. "You are not permitted to call me that," he said. "I'm sorry, but we just can't kill him off." "Hey," before any contempt, Lamar, Alma's voice cut through the listening device on his ear. 

"Lamar, leave him, would you," she said. As she finished her statement, the sound of gunshots cuts through the silence, and Jin Kai stepped out of the tent where the Italians walked him to. "Time to dance, suckers," he grinned, blood on his face. Alejandro more or less sprinted out of the tent, taking sides with the Josephs. "Time to dance, indeed," as they turned their backs against each other, in position, bullets spraying out of their guns to stay alive for themselves, Zeta, for one, was enjoying the action as she shot at all her victims, not missing her prey. "On your 10," she ordered Viktor. "Alejandro, on your 5. Zeta," Viktor called. "On your twelve, upward," as she looked above her, she saw Jin Kai pointing a gun at her, ready to pull the trigger.

"Are women naturally like this? Oh, sorry, what I wanted to say was, are trans women naturally like this?" he said through his teeth, tears in his eyes. He said, half grinning like a psychopath, "You know, Ayeesha, your mother, not biological, though who knows where that person entered, for all I care. I mean, your mother, Saraswati Anwar, she was just like you—feisty, strong, determined, easy to blend into society yet easy to kill. You know, all I ever wanted was to live in peace with my man, but you and your mother—why am I not surprised? Chaos everywhere, everything. If I can't be with my man, I can as well get the things he most valued and as well pour his ashes into the river Ganges. Yes, hypocritical of me, but I love him," he screamed, revenge and bloodthirsty, his eyes were.

"I took you away from your mother at the early stage. I took you back on the same boat that brought you. I pushed her into the water; she was helpless, crying while I put you in a crate in thedock.

 I—I knew you would be my biggest nemesis. Oh, daughter of Saraswati, I would've strangled you myself, but," he laughed again heartily, "fate brought you right into my den, facing my wrath. You wouldn't gain what you've always wanted if you kill me, though," Zeta said bravely. "Oh," he said, "I definitely would. I'll kill you and kill myself, the same way I came back for your mother. Oh, poor innocent girl, your mother somehow got you back, and I sent her off with a threat, but somehow she found you, and I left her to enjoy you till you could fend for yourself. Remember the ICU where she was kept, yehezz?" he grinned. "I killed her too. All that heart attack and blood pressure coming up, I controlled all of that. I replaced her hormones with something, just something to kill her how I've ever wanted, slowly as a price for her stubbornness. But you came back, didn't you?"

"Yeah, that's some real crazy shit," Alejandro said to Viktor. "As those words left his mouth, the horrifying scream of terror coming from Jin Kai filled the air. As he falls to the ground, his free hand slightly releasing the trigger, sending the bullet heading for a devastated Zeta, Viktor pushed her to the ground, tears welled in her eyes as the truth of her bitter and traumatizing mother's death all flashed through her eyes all at once. So he was the man in the black hat and coat, he was always there. She was locked out of the room while she saw him disconnect the oxygen pipe; her own mother died before her very eyes, and she was helpless."

Alma's figure came up after she handcuffed the man in front of her. Apparently, she shot his legs, making him disabled instantly. "You're welcome, bitches. I felt you've had enough of the traumatizing tedtalk. We're sending this guy to our pit," she yelled from where she was.

As they got to the Josephs' manor, a bit shaken and a bit scared, they came out victorious. But Alejandro still trailed with them to the manor. "Why are you still here?" Alma questioned. "Well, I figured Glassgove won't care for itself, and I had nothing to do with it, so I came back to plead with you, my grace," he referred to Alma. "To return to your home, yes, the town is a bit cracked, but with you there, it would be a lesbian heaven. But what about Lamar?" she asked, intrigued. "Well, with your permission, he would be my side man and he'll learn a skill and return within a year to you wherever you are. I promise. But why would we trust an Italian?" Alma rose from her chair in anger. "Well, for one, we brought you out of retirement," he said smugly. "We?" she questioned. "Who?"

"I'll go with him, Alma," Viktor said. "And I should be back before Christmas next year. Zeta," he turned to her, "the date I owe you, but I would keep in touch. We need to be away from each other for now, don't you think? We leave tomorrow morning," he said. "So soon?" Alma inquired. "And you should probably be at Glassgove by the end of the week, Alma," he said as he pulled Alma into an embrace and rose ascended the stairs. 

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