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In the midst of the tranquil haven of Glassgove, the Italian mafia descended, shattering the serene existence of its inhabitants. Once peaceful streets became arenas of terror, consumed by flames and the ruthless slaughter of those who dared to resist. Salt, amidst this chaos, deciphered the intentions behind the foreign tongue spoken by these intruders—they sought Viktor. Knowing this, he swiftly endeavored to shield his kin, even if it meant sacrificing himself and his family.

In the throes of chaos, the Italian mob stormed through the town square, leaving devastation in their wake. The once-vibrant town of Glassgove lay desolate, its populace fleeing from the marauding attackers while the mafia relentlessly hunted for Viktor.

Salt, witnessing the suffering of his people, wrestled with despair but refused to surrender. Desperate to warn Viktor, he recorded a video message in their father's tongue, a dialect known solely to Viktor and Isabelle. Yet, as Salt endeavored to protect his people, the relentless mafia eventually apprehended him, marking the ominous conclusion to his story.

Meanwhile, Isabelle found herself traversing the abandoned thoroughfares of Glassgove, now eerily silent and deserted. Her purposeful stride halted abruptly as she stumbled upon a startling sight—a young girl, clutching a worn doll, stood alone in the empty street, her eyes wide with fear and confusion.

Approaching the girl cautiously, Isabelle attempted to offer comfort. Yet, as she drew nearer, unsettling details emerged—soiled clothing, matted hair, and a doll held as though it were a precious treasure. Strangely, the girl's eyes shifted in color, oscillating between hues as she gazed at Isabelle with an enigmatic expression.

Introductions and soothing words failed to dispel the uneasy atmosphere. The girl's demeanor transformed suddenly, her voice taking on a menacing edge, accompanied by the eerie laughter of the doll. Isabelle, attempting to retreat, found herself ensnared by the girl's grip, only to witness a horrific metamorphosis—her once-fragile captor grew taller, her appearance distorting into a grotesque, otherworldly form.

The monstrous entity, looming over Isabelle, spoke with a voice that reverberated like thunder. As fear gripped her, she suddenly awoke to a pre-dawn knock at her door, her mind reeling from the haunting nightmare.

The terrifying dream lingered as Isabelle pondered its significance. Memories of her past in Glassgove surfaced, a troubled connection with the town's doctor left unresolved. Determined to bury this past, she grappled with the sudden intrusion of fear and uncertainty.

Emerging from her room, she collided with the housekeeper and a man, unconscious from inebriation. Struggling to maintain composure, she swiftly directed the housekeeper's actions, revealing her expertise in handling such situations.

As the man's features were revealed, a jolt surged through Isabelle—despite his slightly older appearance, his presence invoked a stirring within her. Taking charge, she administered remedies from a traditional box, the man's vulnerability somehow drawing her in despite his almost lifeless state.

With urgency, she instructed the chef, orchestrating the man's placement on the grand living area's couch. While attending to his needs, an unexpected connection stirred within her, defying the chaos and uncertainty that gripped her world.

Isabelle's Pov;

"I know I must've seen him somewhere definitely ... His eyes were blue; his jawline and the stubble, gray hair on his cheeks and jawline... His hair in a sleek manner. I've definitely seen this man somewhere. As he opened his eyes after hours of being unconscious, the first thing I noticed was he reached for his pocket to check if he had anything missing from him. The room was dimly lit, so the chances of him seeing me in the darker side were low. I've always been the girl to hide behind my siblings or family members because I made the worst decisions and wasn't as smart as they were, but one fact stands I knew what I had to do and when to do it though I might be disorganized and disoriented doing them..."

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