Pack Mentality

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Archer POV:

I'm walking into school while Stiles holds the door for me and Scott, Scott  is explaining his weird dream from last night to his best friend. "So you killed her?" Scott shrugs his shoulders unsure how to explain the feeling of how real it felt.

Last night I woke up to the sounds of whimpering coming from Scotts room. When I ran in to see if he was okay, he was struggling to breathe and very sweaty. After calming him down from his nightmare, he told me about his dream. Unfortunately not leaving out the part before when he was hooking up with Allison. I love my brother, but that was a little too much information.

"I don't know. I just woke up. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. Ar had to come in and help me calm down... But I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before." Stiles raises his eyebrows at this "Really? I have." Stiles proceeds to shrug and makes a crude gesture with his hands that leaves me speechless. Either because he really just admitted that out loud or because of the mental image that just popped into my head of a half naked sweaty Stiles in bed... "Usually ends a bit differently though..." He finishes seemingly lost in thought. Probably thinking about  the last time he's had a dream like that.

Scott, also stunned by his best friend's very personal detail "A. I mean I've never had a dream that felt that real... and B—" He looks at me then to Stiles with a disgusted expression "Never give me that much detail about you in bed again." Stiles pursued his lips "Noted." Knowing Scott doesn't want to hear it I reluctantly ask anyways "Do you think--" He cuts me off "I know. You guys think it has to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I will lose control and rip her throat out." Stiles and my mouth gape open like we can't believe he just admitted that. "No, of course not." Stiles waves his hand in the air. He concedes and adds "Yeah that's totally it." My twin has a glum expression on his face. Trying to cheer him up as the dutiful sister I am, I add "Scotty, I think it will be fine. Personally I think you're handling this pretty freaking well." Stiles nods "Yeah, it's not like there is a Lycanthropy for Beginners class you can take." 

Scott seems to be having an idea and says "Well not a class... But maybe a teacher." Stiles immediately knows who he is talking about already because he starts shaking his head in disbelief. "Derek? Are you forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?" He asks in an exasperated tone. "I know. But chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus.. It just felt so real." Stiles rolls his eyes and I smile brightly "Well he likes me. He knows I didn't get him thrown in jail. Maybe if you bring me he will be more willing to help." I offer. Stiles stares at me like I'm crazy. "No. Absolutely not." I cross my arms with a pout.

While we continue walking Stiles looks back to Scott with his mouth gaping open in shock "I think it was real Scott." My twin and I whip our heads to where Stiles is staring and Scott's face is riddled in fear, guilt and shame. He looks as if he is going to throw up.

Scott starts panicking, switching from staring at his phone, to frantically searching the hallways for any sight of Allison. "I was texting her last night." I tell my twin trying to calm his nerves. "See, she's probably fine--" Scott cuts him off with frantic eyes "She hasn't answered any of my texts." "It could just be a coincidence..." I try and fail at seeming positive. Stiles huffs under his breath "A seriously amazing coincidence..." I jab my elbow into his ribs and give him a pointed look. "Just help me find her." He says angrily. His breathing is choppy and he slams his fist into a nearby locker when we don't see her. I look at him and his eyes flash golden. Stiles hand reaches out and intertwines with mine as he pulls me back behind him. "Scott, you need to calm down man. We will find her, but wolfing out in the middle of the hallway isn't going to be helpful." His eyes go back to their brown as he turns around and speed walks down the other hallway.

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