The Quest! [Edited]

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Bianca's P.O.V: 

We reached camp and mum embraced me in a hug, so did James's mom (she hugged him not me). 

As this might be the last time we see them. 

"okay guys, where do we start our quest? I think we should start defending ourselves against a war and we should protect Olympus and ask the gods to protect us"

Everyone nodded, the four of us headed for Olympus and told the gods all about it. They looked worried and shocked. After telling them we were heading back to Camp when suddenly I heard a noise in the street beside Empire state, so I tiptoed there quietly and froze. 

I saw Malfoy and Voldemort, Malfoy froze me before I could react and tied me up, I tried screaming for help or James but my voice wouldn't work and they teleported me with them to some place. 

James's P.O.V: 

I searched for Bianca but I didn't know where she had just crept off to. Why couldn't she just tell me?

 I saw a mob of black hair twirl and enter an abandoned alley way and then a yellow flash came temporarily blinding me, I caught a glimpse of malfoy then he was gone. There was no one. The only thing that caught my eye was one pearl earring, it looked like Bianca's , probably the other one was still with her. I screamed as I realized that Bianca had just been kidnapped and the prophecy was unraveling itself. I realized that deep inside I was planning to abandon the quest and go searching for Bianca but the the line replayed in my head and I realized that Bianca would want me to finish the quest so I stayed and watched the tears trickle down rapidly. 

I went to camp and me and Emma stayed in the big house in adjacent rooms that had only a bed, the entire room was empty otherwise with a window on the bedside. 

     Jade went to cabin 6, the Athena cabin. I bid mum and dad goodbye and went to my room. I couldn't stop worrying about her and soon the weariness washed over me and I fell asleep. I got a really vivid dream. In fact it was the same dream I told Teddy about, but this time with more detail. 


Malfoy strutted down the black marble tiles with a evil grin on his face. Bianca looked paler and had blood streaking down her forehead, lips and neck. She was tied by her arms and legs and Kronos stood beside malfoy laughing evilly. It sounded like knives scraping each other. He said, "give up girl and tell us the secret of destroying the gods"

Bianca gasped for air and wearily said,


 Kronos gestured for Malfoy as Malfoy hit her with a belt then gave her a cut with a dagger,celestial bronze. I couldn't  bear it. Her clothes were torn and she looked beaten up, she was conquering her flaw. Part 1 was clear, infact even part 2 as I was finishing our quest rather than going to save her. I cried and hauled and screamed but to no avail.She couldn't hear me. 

"then tell us where the feather of truth lies, I hear you're after it."

"Go away Kronos, Why do you wanna lose thrice?" she sassed him, he chuckled, 

"Malfoy try some other torture, the one your dad taught you!"

Malfoy grinned and got his wand out and hexed Bianca,she screamed in pain as blood gushed out from her ear and her nose. I shut my eyes tightly, as tears welled up in my eyes, My hands were drenched in cold sweat and my face was wet from dry and fresh tears.

Dream ends-

I woke up in cold sweat and heard crickets, Fog had gathered on the window and the night seemed cold. Dawn was breaking and I sat up in bed, my head clutched in my hands as I clenched it in a firm grip. my eyes were filled with boiling tears and seemed red. my face had lost it's color and I felt dull like I lost interest in life, there was no point living, but it was the fact that she was alive was what kept me going. 

Bianca Zoe JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now