Maybe, Arcturus Has Some Friends

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"Just because I said it, doesn't mean I meant it... "

So then, Arcturus and Neville started to see each other more. Not because of class, but because Severinus had dubbed that all three of them were friends. Arcturus sat in the courtyard alone as the chilly air nipped at his exposed skin. He'd rolled his sleeves up and began to sketch in his notebook instead of doing his homework. He never opted for something else over his homework. Thus, he sat there and drew. Concentration etched hard onto his face. Sticking his tongue out with long black hair curtaining his face.

He really was starting to love Defense Against the Dark Arts, and it was all because of Remus. Having a relative at school, even just a teacher improved his daily life much more. They've had countless lunches talking about the other teachers, Arcturus complaining about some other students. Remus felt safe, he felt like a teacher that wouldn't create a hostile environment. Remus Lupin was basically the complete opposite as Snape and gave a lot of chocolate to his students either just because they got a question right or faced a fear.

Okay, Arcturus was very biased.

His least favorite thing out of all of this was the way that people actively avoided him. Sneaking past him in the hallways, not allowing him to go in certain places. The avoidance made a very blatant target on his back because it singled him out. It's very obvious that no one wants to be around him even for a second. Everyone, except the ever so annoying Severinus Kromwell. A Slytherin fourth year who is absolutely stuck to glue like him. His ever so annoyingly self dubbed " best friend " was one of the two people who wanted to spend time with him. The second person was Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor who reeked of fear. They made quite the bunch of misfits, what some of the whisperers have been saying in the halls.

Arcturus internally groaned when he saw the familiar emerald green of a cloak appear in his view. Even now, Sev always found a way to him. Snapping his book closed he moved his hair from his face, grabbing an elastic from around his wrist.

"What do you want?"

"What are you up to?"

"Why would you want to know?"

"Duh, we're best friends. I'm interested in things you do, silly." Sev snorted. "Here, let me do your hair." The Slytherin reached for the hair tie.

"Ugh, I was just sitting here in peace before you showed up." Arcturus turned, letting him mess with his hair. He could tell Sev had no malicious intent, and he hated his hair in his eyes.

"Really? Just sitting here all alone without someone to talk to?"

"Does it look like anyone else is out here?"

"I didn't see you for lunch, I had to sit with bloody Malfoy! It was horrible." Sev cried, pouting.

"Why not sit with Neville? It seems like you've gotten along with him well."

"Well yeah, he's your friend and I don't want to seem mean or jealous."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Arcturus turned to look at him, hair falling in front of his face again.

"I don't want to seem possessive, I mean, you can have other friends."

"I think you overestimate the proximity of this relationship."

"No, I know we're best friends. We mean everything to each other." Sev answered with furrowed brows. "We're not dating."

"You make it sound like we're dating"

"But we aren't."

"Exactly." Arcturus nodded slowly.

"Just let me do your hair!" Sev's hands were cold as he moved Arcturus to face forward.

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