Strange New Worlds (part 3)

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[Kiley 279]

The crew was in the elevator.

„Still too much interference. We have to get higher.", Spock stated.

„What happened here? These people are not ready for first contact.", Pike said.

„She's not cleared for this.", Una noted, with a glance at La'an.

„I don't give a damn. How the hell did they get warp?", Pike asked.

„We gave it to them, Captain. We're less than one light-year out from zero point.", Una stated.

„Zero point?", Pike asked confused.

„Where we and the crew of Discovery opened up a wormhole to the future. Between Kelpien and Klingon ships, there must have been a hundred warp signs. We lit up the sky. And their various telescopes were just good enough to see us. They collected enough data to reverse engineer a matter/anti-matter reactor.", Una explained.

„Captain, I have Enterprise.", Spock stated.

„They weren't ready for warp. Not by a long shot. And now they're using our tech to build a weapon. I never considered...", Pike said and Una interrupted him.

„Chris, no one could have. We were fighting for the very lives that are in jeopardy now.", she said.

"Pattern boosters are working.", Spock said.

"We can't make them care about the stars. That's not our job.", Una continued.

"Transporter control is locking on.", Spock said.

"They just wanted to crush their enemy.", Una stated, hoping to make Pike feel better, but accomplishing the exact opposite.

"And we gave them the means.", He said.

Suddenly an alarm was blaring.

"Looks like they found our sleeping friends.", La'an said.

"Captain, we are ready to beam up.", Spock said. Pike didn't answer.

"Captain. If we don't leave now, every death that follows is on our hands. We cannot further influence the destiny of this world.", Spock stated.

"Meant to or not, Spock, we already have. Our only option now is to influence it well.", Pike said.

"Chris, General Order 1 clearly states we cannot in-", Una started but Pike interrupted her.

"Screw General Order 1. Spock, you're with me. The rest of you get back to the ship.", he ordered.

"Captain.", Spock tried to object.

„Right now. That's an order.", Pike interrupted him.

„Four to beam up. Leave the captain and the science officer behind.", La'an said into her comm.

La'an, Una and the astrologists were beamed up.

„Spock, on me.", Pike said.

„Is this wise? I am clearly alien.", Spock asked.

„That's what I'm counting on.", Pike replied and they exited the elevator.

„Take me to your leader.", Pike said to a Kiley.

They were led into a room where a woman seemed to wait for them.

"The failure was ours. We owe your entire world a profound apology.", Pike said.

"You're saying our ingenuity was actually your mistake?", the woman asked.

"No, I'm saying that we should've been more circumspect about exposing our technologies. A tenet of our people is not to influence less-developed civilizations.", Pike explained.

The mind's eye - A Star Trek: Strange New Worlds fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now