Strange New Worlds (part 1)

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[Earth, Montana]

In Christopher Pikes house, the TV was on.

„The universe grows smaller every day. And the threat of aggression by any group, anywhere, can no longer be tolerated. There must be security for all or no one is secure. Now, this does not mean giving up any freedom."

Pikes communicator was chirping again.

„Except for the freedom to act irresponsibly. Your ancestors knew this. We of the other planets have long accepted this principle. We have an organization for the mutual protection of all planets and for the complete..."

„Really? Again?", Marie Batel asked with a chuckle.

„Come on, it's a classic.", Pike said. 

„More coffee, Captain Batel?"

„Mmm. Don't mind if I do, Captain Pike.", she answered. 

„Still haven't decided?"

„Mm. Enterprise doesn't space dock for another week. That's ages.", Pike said. 

„Pancakes were good.", Batel said.

Pikes communicator chirped.

„Phone's ringing again.", Batel stated.

„Yep.", Pike answered. 

„You ever gonna answer it?", Batel asked.

Pike looked at his communicator until the chirping stopped.

„So, when do you ship out?", he asked.

„Chris. We can keep doing this, but we can also talk about it.", Batel said.

„Talk about what?", Pike asked.

„Whatever it is you're so busy not talking about. Whatever happened out there. Whatever's got you questioning your return to command. Whatever's got you questioning...", Batel stopped.

„Yes?", Pike asked. 

„Everything.", Batel said. 

„It's classified.", Pike stated. 

„I've got deeper security clearance than you do.", Batel reminded him. 

„Not for this.", Pike said.

„I ship out tomorrow at 0600. Back in a month.", Batel said. 

Hey... I might still be here. So give me a call, we'll get together. That'd be nice.", Pike said.

„I'd like that. But I really hope you're not. You've got better places to be.", Batel said.

The communicator chirped again.


Pike was riding his horse through the snowy landscape as a shuttle landed in front of him. He got off his horse and walked towards the shuttle.

„You spooked my horse.", he stated, as Robert April came out of the shuttle. 

„Apologies. You weren't answering your communicator.", April replied.

„With all due respect, Admiral, what the hell do you want?", Pike asked. 

„I have a first contact scenario that may have gone bad.", April explained.

„I'm sorry to hear that. It's not my problem.", Pike stated. 

„The officer in command is someone I trust...", April said

„You're not hearing me, Bob. We both agreed that I'd have until Enterprise left space dock before deciding whether or not...", Pike started. 

„But then we lost contact with her ship.", April interrupted him.

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