Chapter 5

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My psychologist saw me getting worse and worse and decided it was best if I went to a rehabilitation center. I had to stay there for a month, as soon as I entered I already couldn't stand that place, but at least there my parents would not beat me. The rules of this center consisted of fixing your own room, which was shared with another person, and if you didn't clean you had to pay. You couldn't drink, do drugs, vomit and cut yourself; and if you were caught you were kicked out. When you went in they would confiscate pills, mirrors, cell phones and anything you could hurt yourself with. In that place there was singing, group meetings. After a few days sober, my selective mutism had returned. Evenings were the most difficult time of the day when my problems would surface and I always needed either cutting or drinking or pills. It only sucks to be well if you drink, smoke, cut or do drugs.

The next day I got up at seven for breakfast. My roommate accompanied me and introduced me to my group, which consisted of people with the same issues as me. In the evening I called my boyfriend and asked him to bring me pills because I would not survive.

The next afternoon my boyfriend came to see me and hugged me and threw me on the floor; in doing so he gave me the pills. Afterwards he broke me out. It felt like a dream, I felt free, being able to drink again was unimaginable, however, time passed quickly. By now it was getting late and I had to get back before they noticed I was gone. At the entrance was a nurse. My roommate and I staggered from right to left. The nurse ran to the referral door to report that we were drunk.

The next day my contact person called me and told me to pack my bags because I was leaving, I told him he could not let me go home and he asked why. I did not answer. I ran to my room crying, something inside me had moved. In my head. Memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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