Chapter 1

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"Nothing is as it seems."

I began to run, aimlessly, I just needed to get away from all those people who were only ready to judge me. I could no longer feel my legs; I had been running for half an hour. I felt my heart was going to explode at any moment. I saw all the little streets the same, I was lost, but I didn't really care, in fact it was better that way.

Ah yes, how careless of me, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Lisa, I'm 14 years old, and I'm running away from life, or at least trying to, and from monsters you'll meet in these pages.

Coming back to us, before sunrise I had to hide, find a place where they would not find me. I was sure that my parents would report me missing. They are people who look like good people, but they are not, it's like they had 2 faces that they showed in turn when they were at home and when they went out.

In the meantime it began to rain, which made me feel less lonely, the tears streaming down my face, mingling with the rain. I was cold and my stomach began to growl. I went rummaging around inside a supermarket dumpster, making sure no one was around, and found a few scraps from the day. Later I took refuge under a jumper so that I could stay dry and dry out, because catching the flu was among the things I did not want.

I fell asleep curled up, as if to counteract the icy air I felt all the way down to my bones.

When I woke up, I found 30 missed calls and 1 message saying:


"Mom and Dad just went to the carabinieri. Come back home. Where are you?"

Matteo was my brother and he had never been interested in me until that moment. I don't know what, or who, had prompted him to text me, I didn't care much anymore, they could call the army too, I just knew that I didn't want to go back to that 'home' and 'family,' if they could be called that. My family consisted of people who had ruined my life and who, in the future, would have to pay. Is this not the law of retribution? At that moment a patrol passed by. My heart began to beat fast. They stopped. I began to sweat. Fortunately, they left almost immediately; I had been lucky. Now I had to look for a secluded place where I could stay and where they could not find me. I was reminded of my grandmother, who knows what she was thinking; she certainly was not happy, as she was not happy when I was sick from her absence. She died when I was very young; I would have liked to experience her more, to spend more time with her, to see her smile more, to tell her that I loved her. That day was decisive for me. There wasn't a day that I didn't think of her, and in my backpack I always carried a picture of her.

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