¹¹² when they get hurt during quidditch

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Harry Potter

Ron Weasley

George Weasley

Fred Weasley

Neville Longbottom

Cedric Diggory

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H. Potter

• Harry literally always manages to get hurt one way or another
• but this time it was quidditch related
• it was pouring rain out. Super dark, really the most light that came was from an occasional flash of lightning you can't cancel quidditch
• so this poor boy's eyesight is already iffy combined with nobody being able to see anything anyways is just not gonna end well
• He ends up tumbling off of his broom diving for the snitch, catches it mid-fall to end the game, and then eats dirt as he slams into the ground
• you're immediately by his side, brushing mud from his cheeks and trying to shake him awake as he's lost consciousness
• it takes him a while to wake up, two doses of some potion madam pomfrey had before he immediately tries to sit up, groaning loudly and holding his head
• you push him back so he's laying on the hospital wing cot and he opens his eyes to look at you
• "you're s'pretty" He slurs, reaching up to cup your cheek.
• "Oh my god, it's affected his brain, hasn't it?" Ron cries bfrom beside you. You hit his shoulder, but are equally as concerned he just looks so delirious
• Hermione rolls her eyes. "It's a side effect of the potion he was given, Ronald, do you ever listen?"
• eventually Ron and Hermione leave, bickering on their way out and Harry giggles quietly at them
• "will you stay?" He asks weakly, reaching out for you from the bed. Of course you agree, and hold his hand and stroke his hair until he manages to back asleep

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R. Weasley

• Ron is a clumsy person. Ron is an especially clumsy person when he knows he's being watched by the entire school.
• this poor boy, the quaffle was on the opposite side of the pitch when he just falls backwards off his broom out of nowhere, hits one if the hoops on his way down, and just crumbles om the ground
• people don't even see it at first because he's nowhere near the action if the play, and luna's commenting since Lee graduated
• "Oh, looks like Ron's fallen off his broom. Seems to be the work of nargles, if only he'd listen to me. They follow him everywhere, I swear. Anyways, Dean Thomas is in possession of the ball now."
• nobody is paying attention to the game anymore, all eyes are on Ron's unconscious body
• when he wakes up in the hospital wing. You, Harry, and Hermione are the only ones with him. He's so confused as he looks around.
• "what the bloody hell just happened?"
• "you fell off your broom, mate," Harry says, grimacing slightly.
• "what, did a bludger hit me?"
• "no, well, you just sort of-" Hermione stammers
• "fell," you finish for her "pomfrey thinks you'll be alright to play the next game, though. Harry's already asked. Twice"
• "I just didn't want to have to pull Cormac from the reserve again!" He defends himself. Ron's blushing furiously now, face redder than his hair
• "out! All of you!" He says firmly, but doesn't release your hand. Harry and Hermione take off, and Ron pulls you closer to him. He moves over on the cot and wants you to lay beside him.
• "scale of one to ten, how embarrassed should I be next time I see people?" He mumbles into your chest, relaxing as you start to play with his hair, you sigh.
• "well, nobody actually saw you fall, so there that. But I'd say maybe, a nineish?"
• He groans against you, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, try9ng to convince himself for the time being that you and him are the only people in the world
• He'll do this again after he receives a letter from George and Fred regarding the incident after ginny writes them almost every detail of it

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