¹⁰⁹ realizing you're their happiest memory (patronus!)

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- let's play pretend that he figured out how to do it same time everyone else did in OOTP, okay? Thank you<3
- doubtful that he'll ve able to conjure up anything because you know, orphan.
- contrary to popular belief, I adore Harry. I'll be serious from here on OUT KFJDKS
- scans the room as it starts to turn that light shade of blue like a little kid in a candy store
- laughs breathlessly and screws his eyes shut for a few more seconds just to bask in the memory
- opens his eyes back up only to lock gazes with yours and turns into the epitome of: 🍅
- watches his patronus slowly fade before jogging over to you
- 'Harry, what are you-," and then he's holding your face and kissing you, because just like the memory before- you were in it just as you were with your lips on his, and he never wants it to end
- "sorry, *laughs* sorry, I just-, sorry:)"
- rubs the back of his neck with his hand nervously but is definitely not sorry at all
- flushes an even darker red when you lean in to kiss his cheek before taking your hand in his

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- cracks a joke before his turn rolls around that he'll think of you
- "what? 'M sure it'll work;))"
- little does he KNOW..
- looks just as stunned as he did when Hermione beat his @ss in the film once his patronus appears JFJFJSJ
- looks down as everyone cheers and smiles contentedly to himself
- it was the memory of when you first met, how kind you were although you barely knew him, mixed in with the memory of your first trip with him back home, how you wore his shirt the following morning like your own nightgown and got along with everyone as well
- curses under his breath once he realizes he's been utterly in love with you the whole time LNFSOAJDJSJ
- flat out blurts an, "I love you," when you're helping him study that same night
- smirks at the sight of you so flustered UGH
- "I love you, bloody hell- I love you"

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- already knows it's gonna be you, he definitely 100% already knows it will be
- kisses you sweetly before class that morning, basking in the sight of you flushing crimson and playfully rolling your eyes
- "what? I can't say good morning to you now, hmm?"
'It's before six,'
"Good morning darling:)"
- his eyes genuinely light up with the patronus as it forms>>>
- let's out one of his genuine, full smile strewn across his features chest laughs OHMYGODJSK
- whispers a soft, "I knew it," under his breath before returning back to his seat beside you
- 'what'd you see, ced?' Before simply stating, "you, that's all I needed:)"
- you cannot wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the week. You cannot. No doubt.

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- canonically does he even have a patronus? Im googling this, hold on.
- oh right he can't produce one OOOPSNDNSKSSK
- this one's for all my Draco lovers, makin' him weak for y'all & fully capable of producing one<33
- looks completely uninterested and over as his turn rolls around, be for good reason he's not expecting to conjure one
- nearly stumbles backwards once he notices the blue glow coming from his wand
- mutters a breathless, "f^cking hell," once the patronus takes form and the memory sits at the forehead of his mind
- lifts his fingertips to his lips for a split second, remembering when you kissed him for the first time hidden beneath the rafters of the pitch
- sist beside you in utter disbelief after his patronus fades
- 'what did you see?"
- simply moves his hand to rest on your thigh, intertwining your fingers and moving to discreetly kiss your knuckles
- feels you start to fiddle with his rings and suddenly whispers, "you,"

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- super nervous the couple days leading up in the class
- can't stop thinking about his parents and how proud they'd be if they could see him conjure a patronus JDJDJSJS AWWWWF*CK
- keeps himself up at night desperately trying to think of something to help him conjure his patronus
- actually nearly falling asleep on your shoulder the morning of class
- "hmm? Oh!" Once his turn comes around, and then he's blushing and avoiding everyone's gaze beside yours as he stands
- stands there wide-eyed and amazed once the room is tinged a light blue:')))
- can't help but look at you once the light begins to fade, and once you lock eyes he let's out a breath he didn't notice he was even holding in
- relaxes under your touch once you hug him, and then it's chaste neck kisses and a soft, "Thank you:'))"
-'for what?'
"You were the reason I could do that,"

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- definitely bragging the days leading up to clas that his is going to be a dragon or some sh!t
- cannot keep his eyes off you the entire lecture
- attempts to take a subtle deep breath before his turn is announced, but he knows you're aware of his nervousness when he feels your hand squeeze his own
- "thanks, baby :)" before heading off with a wink towards the front of the class
- then he's seeing the night he wept in your arms after the day turned to sh!t, how you never judged him and kept lovingly tossing his hair about to make him laugh again
- he's also daydreaming about pressing his lips to yours again, the same way you did to calm him for the first time
- audibly gasps when his patronus appears
- "Holy f^cking sh!t,"
'Mister Weasley!'
"Sorry, professor:)"
- smirks and puffs his chest out confidently whilst making his way back to you
- holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger and, "You're f^cking incredible,"

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- doing the little leg thing but is DEFINITELY NOT NERVOUS 🤨
- "y/n, hey- look,"
- starts  twirling his wand with a goody grin before dropping it JFJFJSJSJ POOR GUY
- scrambles to pick it back up before making his way to the front of the room for his turn
- lock eyes with you and flashes a flushed smile>>>>>
- remembers the all night error you both had pulled a couple weeks before, drawing blueprints for a possible shop, eating too many candies and lazily laughing about the smaller of things brought up into the conversation
- bites his bottom lip as he remembers how easily your movements matched his when he finally kissed you HDJFJSISSJ F^CK
- stares at the blue light in raw wonder and disbelief before locking eyes with you again
- mouths a gentle, "Thank you:)" before breathlessly laughing at the sight of his patronus beginning to fade
- 'what'd you think of?'
"I can never stop thinking about you, what do you think I thought of?;)"

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- let's you play with his hair during the lecture so he ends up with a little braid
- "you have to frame my face for me darling, c'monnn~"
- scrunches his nose playfully as you tug at extra strands
- whispers, "Thank you," before standing for his turn
- smirks and twirls his wand confidently before saying the spell
- then his face softens, because he's seeing you only moments before playing with his hair, and then it turns into just days ago- when you were sitting atop the counter in the common room, kicking your feet and laughing as he attempted to heat soup for your head cold
- 'You're going to burn it,'
"That's not physically possible, y/n!"
'*laughing* you're burning it right now!'
"Oh sh!t!"
- he would be a terrible cook. It's canon.
- runs a hand through his hair, carefully not to further mess up your braid before rushing over to you
- he's breathlessly laughing and holding your face and so f^cking enthralled by you that he just, "You're my happiness. It's you:)"

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

Credits: ?

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