Extra. Valentines day

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POV: Haelyn

I think everything has been set up perfectly.

Selene is usually the one to take me on dates, but tonight I want to take her on one. It's not much, but I think it'll be really nice.

"Hey, baby girl!" Selene calls out as she gets home from work, making me rush the final details in the living room. "I'm home. Where are you?"

As soon as I see her peer into the living room, I throw my hands up and throw myself at her. Selene easily catches me, happily spinning me around before planting my feet on the ground.

"Surprise!" I squeal, looping my arms over her shoulders and pulling myself up to kiss her lips.

"What's all this?" She asks as I pull away, a wide smile over her lips.

I love seeing her smile, especially since I know it can be stressful at work and I had today off so she probably didn't take a single break. When I'm at work she takes a little time away from her desk to visit me and have lunch together.

Selene says she takes breaks but I know that's a lie. She always looks exhausted when she gets back home to cuddle with me.

"A surprise," I beam. "That's why I said surprise."

"I got that," she chuckles, holding my waist. "But why? Am I forgetting something important?"

"It's for Valentines," I shortly explain, slipping out of her arms and grabbing her hands, pulling her forward and pushing her onto the sofa.

She gives me an amused smile as she watches me pour a glass of her favourite wine and pass it to her. I don't like alcohol much so I just have a fruit juice to myself that looks kind of similar to the colour of her wine.

We clink our glasses together and she leans back while I keep sorting everything out. She got home a little earlier than I expected so I didn't have the chance to light the candles. I'd set everything up I just needed the finishing touches but she got home before I could do them.

"Hey, baby?" Selene asks as I blow out the match once all the candles are lit and flickering with small flames.

"Yeah?" I ask, kneeling beside the coffee table and looking up at her, pausing before I can pass her the plate of food I made. "Is there something you need, ma'am?"

Her brows furrow but she brushes off the name to continue asking her question. It definitely threw her off a bit though since she stumbles over her first few words before trying again.

"Why are you wearing such a long dressing gown? Aren't you warm?" She asks.

The heating in the house is on so it is comfortably warm but having a jumper or dressing gown on is a little much. I am sweating a bit but I wanted to keep what I'm wearing a surprise. I bought it especially for this.

"Yes, but I wanted to give you...something to unwrap to reveal your surprise," I say, struggling a little to find the right words. Flirting isn't my strong suit.

Despite my terrible flirting, Selene catches on and stands up, putting down her plate so that her hands are free to undo the front of my dressing gown. She gently pulls it off me, slipping it off my shoulders so that she can fully see the outfit I bought specifically for this.

She takes away the dressing gown as she steps back to take in the full outfit.

"Did you buy this yourself?" She chuckles. "I could've bought it for you. Seems odd to use your first time spending your own money on this."

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