05 : confessions

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Ariana's POV

coming back to school after the bonfire is always a mess, this year especially. all anyone can and will talk about is Alex and Cole's fight. Volleyball season had ended, meaning that the banquet was coming up. Now that the season is over I have a lot more free time.

while i was grabbing my books from my locker i feel a light tap on my shoulder. looking over i see Isaac which made me internally panic.

"hi" i awkwardly greeted

"um, can i talk to you really quick..." he asked looking nervous

"i need to get to class Isaac..." I replied hearing the bell ring

"please, it'll only take a couple minutes" he pleaded

"i can't" pausing for a second

"i can meet up at the beginning of lunch by your lunch table" truthfully i just couldn't bring myself to talk to him, but a part of me was wondering what exactly he wanted to say.

"perfect that's all i need" he immediately responded

"i can only do like the first 10 minutes though because i have a meeting later on" I explained

"ok that's perfectly fine" he stated before he waved as a bye causing me to wave back.


"girl this is the latest you've ever walked in, what happened?" Grace joked we had a substitute in our AP bio class so we basically had a free day.

"Isaac just told me he wanted to talk to me during lunch..." i explained turning around to Grace and Skylar

"are you going to talk to him?" Skylar questioned

"i have the council meeting during lunch so we're meeting during the beginning of lunch" i remarked causing them nod.

"well hopefully it'll go well" Skylar stated

"only time will tell i guess" I shrugged before turning back around

Just when I turned around Jackie comes storming in looking stressed.

"Alex just told me he was in love with Paige. I only just found out they were together, and now he was in love with her? How could he not tell me that? Is he not over her? Am I a rebound?" Jackie frantically stated

"uh-" Grace was cut off before she could even get a word in

"Nevermind, don't answer that. It's just, I thought that I could trust him, and now... I need to focus on something that makes sense. Like mitochondria." Jackie concluded before turning back around to open her textbook, leaving Grace, Skylar, and I to just stare in shock.


Once the bell rung, I went over to where Isaac normally sat for lunch waiting for him to arrive. 5 minutes had gone by and no sign of Isaac, then 10 went by, I even waited an extra 5 minutes, messaging Erin that I'd be a little late to the meeting, and still no sign of him. I eventually just gave up and left feeling angry, annoyed, but most of all upset.


Isaac's POV

class had gotten out a bit late because we had a lab to clean up for. I immediately tried rushing over to the lunch table to talk everything out with Ariana and maybe, if I don't chicken out, confess to her. On the way there, I ran into Lee and Nathan, where Nathan was ranting about Skylar. While walking to the cafeteria, we were stopped by Grace.

"Hi guys. Isaac, we're beer pong buddies right?" She started

"yeah" I replied shortly

"so i can ask you anything right?" She continued

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