02 : priorities

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Ariana's POV

As we entered the house we heard our mom call out and say hi to us.

"where's dad?" Jayden asked as he closed the door

"he went out to go buy some food" Our mother responded while in the living room doing work.

"you two should head up and start your homework before dinner." she continued as she pointed up towards the stairs

"we don't have homework today" I replied

"well then go study. We can't risk you falling behind" our mother replied sternly causing both Jayden and us to walk upstairs.


Isaac's POV

"why are you like this Lee?" My brother has spent the past hour and a half trying to convince me to make a move on Ariana.

"I'm just saying, you already have her number, you're welcome by the way." Lee brought up for the 10th time.

"you know how she is though Lee. All she cares for is school, that's all her parents care for too. She'd never go out with me even if she liked me." I tried reasoning out with Lee.

"think about it though, if you make a good enough impression on her and her parents, then maybe you'll have a good chance."

"I don't know about that"


Sophie's POV

After going through my practice books I decided to head down to grab something to eat. Jayden was already downstairs eating. While eating I received a message from Grace asking me for homework help.

"Who are you messaging? Isaac?" Jayden teased, the only issue was how loud he said that.

"Who's Isaac?" Our father asked walking into the kitchen. If there's one thing about our parents, they hate the idea of us dating.

"No one." I replied trying to end the conversation.

"Who is that boy? Are you dating someone? You know our rules, no boys. What are you thinking?!" My mother rambles.

"I'm not dating anyone, it's not even a boy I'm messaging, it's just Grace!" I exclaimed. I always hated whenever my mother asked questions, because of her tone.

"Why are you talking back in that tone?!" I can never win with my mother I swear.

"Because you're accusing me of something I'm not even doing!" Whenever I'm being yelled at or angry I always start tearing. This time was no exception.

"How come you're always yelling? I'm just talking to you and you talk back with this attitude!" While my mother and I are going at it, my father and Jayden just sit there like they always do acting like nothing was happening.

"It's because of the way you talk!" I stated

"I'm going out for a while." I said grabbing my backpack before taking my keys and storming out.


I decided to go to the Lark Cafe to see Kiley during her shift so that I could have someone to talk to about this.

"Hey Ari, what can I get for you?" Kiley asked

"just hot tea please"

"you ok?"

"just another fight with my mom." I flatly replied before paying.

"we can talk about it later if you want to." Kiley offered

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