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Mirah took a step back when Atlas was on his feet walking towards her now. Run... Run Mirah... And he casually shut the door making sure to lock it. He stood there leaning up against it looking at her. He looked her up and down and nodded his head.

"Do you think I waste my time saying things for nothing?" He asked her. "I mean, I think you know that I don't like that you go to work dressed like a two bit hooker... Do not like it that you wear that shit on your face... And so much of it too..."

Oh my god. Mirah looked at the deranged man and rubbed her lips together. "Why are you here? I'm tired. I want to have a shower and sleep." He needed to leave.

He smiled, the son of a bitch smiled at her before he grabbed her face so hard. Ouch! Her face was sore as it was no thanks to him and now he was squeezing her already bruised face. "You hard of hearing!" He snapped through clenched teeth. "Ha? Why do you need to be told more than once to do as you are told?"

He shoved her away from him and Mirah struggled to find her footing. Atlas was looking at her angrily. She could not believe that this was actually taking place. Like who the fuck did he think he was? He had no business with her whatsoever. None! He was not allowed to rule her, was not allowed to tell her what to do...

"I... I was at work." She managed to say. She was literally afraid of his next move. "It's my uniform... What is your problem?"

"My problem is you have yet to understand how this game is played."

"What fucking game! Ha? I... What don't you get? I don't want to be with you. You are with Dee, fuck off back to her and leave me alone!" Mirah was not sure where she found the courage to speak up.

She hated this bullshit. He was in a relationship and wanted to punish her for not allowing him to touch her?

Atlas rubbed a hand over his sexy mouth as he looked her. He seemed impressed that she spoke out. "You don't want to be with me? That's not nice Mirah..."

"Stop Atlas. Oh my god... I... What do you want?"

"I want to fuck you. Told you already."

"Do you hear yourself?" She was perplexed with his behaviour. It was too much. Everything about this situation was like too much for her. "You need to stop. I... I don't understand what you don't get. I want to wait for my wedding night, I want my wedding to be special."

"Yeah well unfortunately for you that's not going to happen. Now... Either you let me have you or you put up with everything coming your way. You will not have a minute of freedom Mirah. None. I will continue to rule every part of your life until you do give in. Now, until then... We continue this way..."

"I will call the police." She blurted out dumbly. "You have to stop."

"Call them baby. I want you to call them. Go on... Show me what you got." He was actually calling her bluff. She was baffled with how confident this man was. He actually had this way about him like he was the king and that was that. No questions no nothing.

"I am not going to let this happen Atlas. Stop. I... I just want to be left alone. Please."

"But you threatened me." He was once again clearly toying with her.

"I don't want you to touch me." Mirah had nothing left to say or do. What more was there. She needed to verbalise how serious she was about not wanting this.

"Who can stop me Mirah? Ha? You think you can stop me?" Right, so this shit just got scarier by the second.

"And what Atlas? You do what you want with me and what? Will you leave me alone?" He squinted his eyes at her before he replied.

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