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Took an hour before the obnoxious jerk showed up. Atlas walked into the house like nothing was amiss. He tossed his smokes on the coffee table and sat down. Charlotte was good to grab him a drink.

"I've been here for over an hour." Mirah wanted to leave. She was getting over this entire setup.

"Have you?"

"Well, yeah..."

"Why?" He asked confusing her. Mirah did not understand why he was asking her that.

"Because you told Charlotte to tell me that you wanted to see me."

"Right, because I wanted to see you..." She didn't get it. "That's right... And you have an issue with that?" What the hell?

"I'm not saying that." Actually that was exactly what she was saying. Like yes, she had an issue with this. "Just saying, is there a reason you wanted to see me?"

"Just to make sure you cancelled this date with Dylan McEvoy." Oh my god he knew her boss! She was so being followed. "You always seem so surprised when you figure out that I am having you watched. I mean, I've told you plain as day how this is going..."

"You also told me after a few months that if I do what you want that you will stop and leave me alone."

"Did I?" He was being a jerk. She rolled her eyes at him and turned her head. Like just fuck off already.

"Whatever Atlas. I mean, I'm here... And? What? I worked Monday to Thursday at the travel agency... Went shopping after work on Wednesday to grab some things for the house... I spoke to some clients throughout the day..."

"Yeah, I know." He knew! Of course he knew. Of course he fucking knew!

"Okay, so if you know, why do you need me to keep coming here?" She wanted to lash out so bad. This asshole was just making her life hard for nothing. She was afraid all the time. She was doing everything he wanted her to do and more. Mirah really didn't get what the issue was. Like she was being a good girl.

"Well, I want you to keep coming here." The strange way he said that sent shivers down her spine. Mirah was downright confused. Atlas then turned his attention to Charlotte and told her to leave. Um, okay.

"I... You are making my life hard Atlas. I'm sure you are more than well aware that I will not be stupid to open my mouth ever. I know you know this... I... What is the point in having me check in every Friday? What is the point of having me cancel my date?"

"I don't want you to be dating is the point." Say again? Mirah actually didn't think she heard him correctly. "So, that's why I had you cancel your date."

"I will never tell him anything..."

"Yeah I know." Um... Was she missing something? Mirah was actually speechless right now.

"I don't get it..." She really didn't get it. Like truly and really didn't get it.

"Well, okay, I'll break it down for you." He said nodding his head. He lit himself a smoke but kept his eyes fully on her. "I find that I am well, let's say attracted to you..." Oh my fucking god! No he did not! Mirah must look a sight. Her mouth was opened wide. She had nothing to say to that. "And well, don't really like it that you are dating. Don't really like it that you work at the club that's for sure... I also don't like it that you dress in next to nothing for work... And the makeup... Not very keen on the makeup." He was tripping. He was playing some stupid game. No way this was what he was feeling. No way that this was what it was about! Like no fucking way.

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