Part 10

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It has been a couple of weeks since Madison and Bella found out about Harper and Charlie. While Madison couldn't be happier for the two, Bella did not think the same. Bella was constantly saying curses and insults Harper's way. But it never bothered Harper, she actually found it quite funny, though Harper's best memory was when Bella threatened to tell her mother about the two being a couple and Charlie say do it and to tell her that your going back to her as well. Safe to say Bella didn't call Renee after that. 

Harper had told Madison the truth about everything when she came home from school. Madison took in in surprisingly well. Harper and Charlie where both a little mad and disappointed that Madison had put her life in danger by being around vampires, and Madison tried to defend herself and saying that the Cullens were safe because they didn't drink human blood. Madison quickly realized how everything sounded and apologized. 

Right now, Harper is at the Swan house getting dinner ready with Charlie at work, Madison in her room doing homework, and Bella spending time with Jacob. Harper hated that Bella was with Jacob but didn't say anything, she knew that Jacob will soon realize that Bella isn't the type of girl he would want to hang out with. Infant Harper believes that Jacob is already getting annoyed with Bella. Never once did he ever complain about Bella and spending time with her but now when Harper comes home he is always saying something that Bella has annoyed him with and his distaste for her is growing when he hears the way Bella talks about his sister. 

Harper puts a pan of seasoned chicken breast in the oven. Harper sighs has she realizes that now she has nothing to do for an hour. Harper thinks about annoying Madison for a moment before the front door shuts breaking Harper from her thoughts. 

It doesn't take long before Bella storms her way into the kicthen and glares at Harper. "What is your crapy car doing in from of my house?" Bella crosses her arms, quite dramatically which makes Harper roll her eyes.

"My car is here, because I'm here."

Bella scoffs. "And why are you here?"

Harper smirks knowing she is going to miss Bella off more. "I'm here because my car is here." Bella looks like she is going to blow a fuse when Harper starts walking to the stairs. "Now I'm going to talk to your sister to get away from you." Bella doesn't say mother words as Harper walks up the stairs to Madisons room. 

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