Chapter 4 - Alistair

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"Sire, for you."

I didn't even bother glancing up as a letter was gently slid across the desk to me. However, I did pause at the wax seal staring back at me.

I quickly glanced up at Odart then. The old man stood tall and strong, even despite his age. His hands remained clasped behind his back as he waited. He had served my household longer than I had even been alive, yet here he still was. He was my most trusted advisor, butler, and friend. I entrusted almost everything I needed to get done to him alone, or trusted him to find the right people accordingly.

Setting down the document I had been reading, I used a quick swipe of my thumb to rip open the envelope and opened the letter. In a fine script, it read:

To King Alistair of Korotia,

We are pleased to announce and invite you to the wedding celebration of Prince Phillip of Ariandor, and Princess Rowena of Eldoria. This union will strengthen ties between these two great nations...

Blah, blah, blah.

Please see the enclosed which is to be mailed back at your earliest convenience. We hope to see you there.

I sighed, as I tossed the rest of the letter onto my desk. I leaned heavily over the dark oak, my forearms straining with my weight as I bowed my head slightly, deep in thought.

"Sire?" Odart asked, more questions than one within it.

Raising my head, I felt the steel in my eyes and my voice as I said a bit gruffly, "It seems as though Ariandor is finally making their next move. They want more power, but specifically Eldoria's military power. I assume they're plotting that this... strengthening, will give them leverage to finally attempt to attack us again. I felt as though my last letter had been enough. I did say that I would declare war if they attempted to harm this country again. It appears they don't want to listen."

Odart waited. His golden eyes blazed with a deep fire.

"So perhaps we will go to them this time." I said darkly, my hands slowly turning into white knuckled fists as I spoke with years of rage behind it.

"I think it's time indeed. Risen from the dead, Korotia will be crowned again," he murmured solemnly, speaking the words of the people who have spent the last several years rebuilding this nation with everything they have to offer. It was slowly beginning to heal, even despite the lives lost.

"Mail this, and we will be leaving tomorrow if we are to make it a day or two early to scope out the place," I said as I reached for a pen.

"Of course, your majesty," Odart said with a click of his heels.

He placed a hand over his heart, and deeply bowed as I quickly filled out the slip to confirm my attendance to the bullshit of a wedding, and gently held it out to the old man.

"You know what to do."

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