Chapter Forty-Nine: A Tumultuous Turn

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Albion said again. He wasn't sure why he'd stayed... but he knew he was sorry that he had. While all the humans were busy with their petty little battle the Piranharrow were edging near, leaving bare the place of trees and forest, river and wildlife. In their wake there was nothing but dirt...and that wake was pressing, unnoticed, ever closer.

SssscccreeeEEEEEeeeettteee! SccccrrreeeEEEEtttEE ScccccccccccrrrrrreeeeeeEEettEE!!

The Gryphon abandoned the trees, cautiously approaching the battlefield where rocks and angry dragons flew.

"Okay, on my mark," A captain in charge of the catapults said, hands on his hips and chest out proudly. "We'll hit them again. Three, two-"

"Now wait just a minute!"

The men startled and looked around, finding the feminine voice had come from above. She and her dragon were resting on the beam of the center catapult.

"Throwing rocks is fun and all but there's no sport to it. Shame on you little worms, aren't you supposed to test your skill in a real fight before cheating?"

With precision her Rocket Ripper shot a leg of the catapult to their left; the one currently loaded and awaiting orders. It collapsed, and on the way down triggered, launching itself and the projectile into the other two catapults.

The girl and her dragon fluttered daintily over it all. "Your rock-slinging licenses are hereby revoked."

"Miserable Celt!"

Several soldiers raised their crossbows. Five fireblasts from 'Stormfly' put them quickly out of service.

"Dragon-riding coward!" The captain shouted angrily, drawing his sword. "Come down here and fight with your bare hands!"

"Aww, I thought you'd never ask!" She flipped off the dragon in flight and landed ready. "Was that figurative or are swords not allowed? Invincible wants in on the action."

Hungry, hungry hungry hungry, hungry hungry, hungry hungry. Hungry, hungry hungry hungry...

Hotshot gnawed on the table in the upper room of the turret. Alvin had heard that word so many times over the last few months he hardly noticed it anymore.

"You have a disorder. And thanks to your mumbling I can't for the life of me remember what I was just thinking."

Grrr. It was important, too... whatever it was.

Hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry...

Great now I'm hungry too. Stupid dragon. He thought about those ten extra pounds he'd put on since stealing Hotshot.

A shiver ran down the Piranharrows spine, seeming to ripple magically out to the swarm surrounding them. They began to close.

What? No not yet.


"Not yet!" in alarm, Alvin watched the dragons crumble from order to destruction. "Not yet I say not yet!"

Unable to refuse Hotshot groaned and shivered again. The swarm faltered...

Then kept going.

What are you doing?? Stop them!

SQUEAK! Hotshot shivered harder. He didn't look so confident all the sudden.

The swarm faltered once more, and slowly, very slowly appeared to stop. Alvin breathed a sigh of relief.

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