🐺 02. In a room without doorknobs

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Sky opened her mouth to scream. She took in a breath, but no sound came out. She hesitated. Courage failed her. There were so many people around, surely someone would help her! And yet... Despite her fear, doubts crept in.

The man standing before her did nothing to stop her. He held her by the arms, sending shivers down her spine, yet he was gentle. His touch sparked small electric currents on her skin. She felt both fear and pleasure, which was incredibly confusing and uncomfortable. If she really wanted to, she could break free and push him away. The thing was, she couldn't make the slightest move.

"Relax," the man spoke in a soothing tone. "I mean no harm."

Sky lifted her gaze. She wanted to see him better. The sight exceeded her wildest expectations. The man was captivating. It seemed impossible for such people to walk the earth. His external beauty inspired admiration, yet it seemed to be the culmination of a majestic whole. The charm of this man was rooted deeper, in his strength and charisma, in the power he emanated. His voice had a deep, velvety timbre. He could issue commands, leading armies. He could whisper words of love, confined within the four walls of a bedroom. His voice alone was like the gentlest caress. Sky's body began to relax, while her mind continued to race. She gazed into his green eyes, flecked with golden reflections. She couldn't look away. She felt drawn and needy. She wanted this moment to last forever. If the world ended right now, she might not even notice. The stranger was significantly taller than her, his arms strong, muscular, adorned with numerous tattoos. A short-sleeved t-shirt and tight-fitting pants showcased the athletic build of his body. He smelled absolutely divine. He appeared older than her, and his eyes bore the marks of maturity acquired over the years, an old soul in a young body. There was no trace of a smile on his face, and he pursed his nicely shaped lips into a thin line. The summer breeze toyed with his long hair, occasionally obscuring the hard gaze he had fixed on Sky.

She had the impression that he was angry with her for some reason, certainly deeply dissatisfied. It was strange, considering he was the one harassing her.

As one of many, she thought to add.

"Let go of me," she requested in a quiet voice.

She was angry with herself, too. She was irritated by her own weakness. She should break free, slap him, scream, draw attention from passersby. She should do something, not just stand there, at the mercy of a stranger.

The stranger sighed and slowly released his grip. He took a step back, giving Sky more space. For a moment, she contemplated the option of making a run for it, but she was convinced he would catch her without much trouble.

"Don't do anything we'll regret," he cautioned, raising an eyebrow.

He effortlessly read her intentions. She swallowed hard and lowered her head, unable to endure his gaze any longer.

"Who are you?" she asked timidly, nervously rubbing her arms. "What do you want from me?"

The man sighed and rubbed his face with his hand, suddenly tired of the whole affair. He seemed like someone who enjoyed being in control. Clearly, not everything was going according to his plan now.

"It won't be that simple," he muttered.

Sky felt irritation. She didn't understand her feelings. On one hand, she was afraid and wanted to run away, and on the other hand, she was stung by the awareness that she had somehow let someone down. As if the absurdity had no end, that someone was her harasser. She felt a strong need for clarification, for defending herself. She wanted acceptance. She wanted him to appreciate her. The strong attraction, which she didn't understand, urged her to fulfill his needs and calm her nerves. The lack of control over her own emotions was irrational and dangerous.

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