🐺 01. Within the fabric of imaginary worlds

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Sky had been enduring a string of misfortune lately; it seemed like nothing was going her way.

In just a few weeks, she would be turning eighteen.

She attended a high school where the majority of students hailed from affluent backgrounds. They either looked down on her or simply ignored her altogether.

With just one friend to her name, Sky's social circle was painfully small.

She resided with her father, a professional soldier whose demanding duties strained their relationship. Joseph Mitchelson spent most of his time on deployments and missions, about which he couldn't and wouldn't divulge details. Sky had resigned herself to the fact that their spacious two-story apartment was practically hers alone.

The reflection staring back at her from the mirror didn't inspire much optimism either.

The only place she had a full head of hair was atop her head. Perhaps that's why she could take pride in her luscious locks. If it weren't for the fact that her hair was platinum, so pale it bordered on white, she might have appreciated it more. However, this unique feature was just another reason for her to be bullied at school. She peered out at the world through amber-colored eyes – not brown, green, or blue, but genuinely amber. Her light hair matched her light eyes, adding to her almost ethereal appearance. Some might even mistake her for an elf from the pages of famous fairy tales. Despite her delicate appearance, she was exceptionally clumsy, often stumbling over her own feet on a straight path. At times, she couldn't help but think that there were numerous flaws in the grand plan, as if she had been skimped on materials. Even pigment seemed lacking, as her skin bore such an unhealthy pallor that her father's acquaintances, including doctors, frequently insisted on conducting a battery of tests to monitor her health. Strangely enough, Sky had never been sick before. Yet, even this couldn't coax a smile onto her full coral lips. A smile was a rare sight indeed.


The exception came during her solitary evenings spent writing. Sky possessed an exceptionally vivid imagination. She delved so deeply into the worlds and characters she created that they often materialized in her dreams at night. Many of these dreams served as the foundation for subsequent events in her stories. In this realm, she excelled, her werewolf tales captivating millions of readers on a creators' portal, accumulating hundreds of thousands of likes and comments. Several times, she soared to the top of the rankings, with her works even being submitted to competitions. Within the fabric of these imaginary worlds, crafted according to her own design, she was sought after, adored, longed for. Publishers began reaching out to her via email, eager to collaborate. However, she remained anonymous, finding solace in the joy of her readers' reactions while refraining from further pursuit. If anyone from her school discovered her passion, they would likely deem her even more eccentric than they already did.

Indeed, Sky's luck seemed to have taken a turn for the worse.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have found herself a few blocks away from home, nestled in a dark alley, facing off against a hostile stranger.

That evening was supposed to be spent within the safety of her home. Yet, all signs, both in the sky and on the ground, seemed to foretell impending trouble. The door lock stubbornly refused to cooperate, the hair dryer decided to malfunction, the computer claimed to have frozen, and the online portal mysteriously declined to publish a new installment of her novel.

So, was going for an evening jog truly a wise decision?

Especially when, for Sky, even a simple run posed a potential threat to her life?

Probably not.

However, she couldn't resist the call. Not when the full moon hung prominently in the sky above.

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