No Way Out Alive

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I fumbled with the metal chains that produced a cacophonous sound when they met with one another. I felt their anger rise from being disturbed and woken up from their peaceful slumber as they began to tighten around my frail, bruised and battered body suffocating me until my lungs screamed for mercy

That's when I saw it.

Nefarious eyes were piercing its gaze straight at me, so close that I could smell its abysmal breath as it showed signs of being alive.

Petrified. That's all I could feel.

'Was I going to die?'

That's all that circled my already hectic mind as storm clouds began navigating through the maze built on my head trying to figure out where I was.

My heart skipped a beat as a sudden nebulous noise echoed through the ebony-black atmosphere that permeated the room.

All of a sudden, a flash of light was cruelly shone directly onto my blood shot eyes blinding me for a quick second. My breath hitched as the view in front of me cleared and I could see what or more like who was there.

I was not making it out alive.

"You killed her."


"You're the one behind my daughters murder, arn't you?"



I looked down in shame as I watched the old man with tear stained cheeks fall onto his knees, begging me to give him a reason for my brutal actions.

But I couldn't give him one because...

there was none.

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