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I dove into the cool, sunlit water with a loud splash I could hear as I resurfaced, water streaming off my long, layered black hair and lightly freckled face. Annabeth surfaced beside me, laughing, her curly blonde hair soaking wet and clinging to her skin.

We both swam over to the edge of the lake, where I grabbed onto the grassy bank and hauled myself up, flopping down onto the ground ungracefully. Annabeth sat down beside me, grinning.

Aside from us two, there were around half a dozen of the other campers down at the lake, pretty much just chilling. There would be more of us, but yesterday, the last of the summer campers headed off, meaning it was just us year-rounders left at camp.

"I'm going to miss Percy." I murmured, glancing out at the shimmering surface of the water. Percy was one of my closest friends, along with Annabeth. Despite him being a child of Poseidon, and a really powerful demigod, he chose to only stay at camp during summer, even though the risk of him being found by monsters was... well, very high.

"Yeah, me too." Annabeth agreed. I smirked, giving her a playful nudge with my shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sure you will, won't you?" I teased, and her face immediately flushed bright red.

"That's not what I-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I scoffed, still smirking. "But don't try and deny it. You both have a thing for each other. It's petty damn obvious."

Recently, me and pretty much all the campers had begun to recognise the very clear chemistry forming between the pair. I was definitely all for it. Yeah, they were my best friends, but I wanted them to be happy.

Annabeth mumbled something under her breath, and glanced at the ground, but I could still see the blush creeping onto her face.

"Hey, Juniper!"

I twisted around at the sound of my name, and spotted one of the Apollo campers standing at the slope that lead from the lake up to the Big House.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"Chiron wants to talk to you!" He shouted.

I huffed in annoyance. Really? What could Chiron possibly want? And why does it have to be now, of all times?

The afternoon sun was warm and refreshing, it was the perfect day to just hang out and not worry about anything. Did it really have to be ruined for me? It wasn't that I hated Chiron or anything. Definitely not. But if he wanted to speak with me up at the Big House, then it was probably not something good.

"Can it wait?!" I shouted up to the Apollo camper.

"No, he said it was important! Something about your brother, I think!"

I frowned. What about my brother could possibly concern me right this minute?

My wizard father and my wizard stepmother were both murdered when I was only three, by a supposedly powerful wizard by the name of Voldemort, or Voldyshorts, or Moldyvort, or something along those lines. Apparently my brother was part of some prophecy, but when old Voldy tried to kill him, he ended up dying himself.

Like, the guy was supposedly powerful, and yet he got himself killed by an infant? Damn.

Anyway, after that whole incident, Chiron brought me here, whilst my brother Harry was sent to live with his Aunt and Uncle. We still kept in touch, and I used to visit him sometimes, although the visits weren't the nicest, considering Harry's aunt and uncle were a pair of hags.

Harry didn't know anything about wizards, or the fact that I was a demigod.

I hadn't visited him in at least a year —since he lived all the way in England, and Camp Half-Blood was situated in America— and I tried my best to keep in touch, but apparently emails or texts were too inconvenient, so I had to send letters if I wanted to talk to him.

Harry Potter's Sister is a Demigod (PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now