ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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Just wanted to clarify that any misspelled words during the texting conversations are intentional, as Percy and juniper both have dyslexia (no hate intended to anyone with dyslexia <3)

The Slytherin common room was a large, rectangular room, with a high, vaulted ceiling. The walls were dark green, with white pillars spaced out at intervals along them. Along the far wall, there were huge, arched, floor-to-ceiling windows between the pillars. The roof was slightly curved, crossed with the pillars which met at the centre of the ceiling.

The floor was a dark, warm hardwood, dotted with couches and armchairs which were positioned in small clusters around coffee tables and fireplaces.

The entire colour scheme was dark green, black and silver, broken up by the white pillars.

The space was lit by large, almost chandelier-like light fixtures hanging from the ceiling.

The strangest part was that outside the windows on the far wall, was water, with a greenish colour to it, hinting that out was fairly deep. I could see a couple fish swimming past, along with something that looked suspiciously like a shark.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Astoria asked beside me, bouncing slightly on the heels of her feet.

"Yeah, it definitely is." I agreed, as I surveyed the room, taking in the dozens of students milling around, some standing, some sitting, most of them engaged in conversation with one another.

"I have a friend back home-" I continued. "She's really into architecture and historic-style buildings, she would be completely amazed by this."

I'll have to send Annabeth some photos later tonight, once there aren't as many people in the common room. I thought to myself. Oh- I should probably ask about that.

"And, um, I was just wondering..." I added, turning towards Astoria. "Uhh... are phones allowed here?"

"Oh." Astoria paused for a moment. "There aren't really specific rules, since not many of us have phones, due to them being muggle technology and all that. Even if people have a phone, they don't bring it." She glanced over at me. "I assume you're asking because you have one?"

"Yeah, I brought it with me." I answered, subconsciously brushing my hands against the pocket in my robes where I'd put my phone.

Although phones could attract monsters, I still took mine with me most places I went. When I was at camp it didn't really matter, since monsters couldn't get past the camp boundary, and when I wasn't, it didn't actually make much of a difference. Since I was a child of Demeter, and pretty much classified as a 'weaker demigod', I had a less strong presence than other demigods.

Plus, I was pretty sure I would be safe using it at Hogwarts, since this place completely radiated power, despite it being mortal power.

Astoria nodded. "I guess just don't use it in front of the teachers and you'll be fine. At least I think."

I smiled. "Alright, thanks." I pulled it out and quickly checked the time —it was eight thirty— before slipping it back in the pocket.

"I should introduce you to some of the others in our year, then." Astoria said brightly. "Come on!"

She led me over to a cluster of armchairs and couches positioned around a table, where Pansy was already seated with some other girls.

We sat down with them and Astoria and Pansy introduced all of them, although most of the names went right over my head.

I was more focusing on keeping an eye on those transfer students, as I'd been instructed to. They'd entered the common room a couple movies after us, and were sitting a little way away with some guys from our year.

Harry Potter's Sister is a Demigod (PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum