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A car crash. Was it me? No. It was the people in front of me. I swerved, hitting the sidewalk. My body turning to the side, my legs on the side of the car and my head against the window.

My car thumped over the grass. I felt myself shaking. There was a big 'BOOM' and my car stopped. I threw myself onto the back of my seat.

I didn't get out or check anyone, I just opened my phone. I could barely grab it, my hands were shivering so much.

I called Jake.

ring ring..

No answer. Again?

ring ring..

No answer.

I kept spam calling him, till he eventually answered.

"Yes Drew? I'm with Hailey."

My chest hurt. And my neck. And my leg.

"Jake- I just almost got into a- uhh- a.. Car crash."

I heard a gasp.

"Drew where are you? Are you okay?" Jake asked.

"Uhh.. I dunno.. I see uaah.. Blue sky."

I head Jake whisper, "Still drunk."

I was too wore out to say anything.

"Check my location," I murmured.

My chest felt worse. My leg felt worse. My neck hurt. All at once.

I saw flashing lights, I guessed it was the police.

I felt my vision start to blur. I felt nauseous.. I eventually let the darkness enfold me.


I woke up to something tapping my side. I looked over, "Huh.."

It was Jake. He was standing beside two policemen. I looked forward, the two cars that crashed were gone.

Hailey stood beside Jake.

"I should have known better than to leave you in this state." Jake whispered.

I looked up at the policemen. They were talking among themselves.

"My- leg hurts. And- my chest-.."

I leaned backwards in my seat, "And my neck too."

Jake looked at Hailey for a brief moment before stepping closer to the car.

He opened the car door and unbuckled me.

He picked me up.

Hailey stared at them, her eyes betraying no feeling other than sadness.

I grunted as he raised me up.

A police woman walked up to Hailey.

"Did he wake up?" She asked Hailey.

Hailey nodded.

The woman went to Jake and me. "Oh, wow." She must have seen how messed up I looked.

I just wanted to be home. I wanted to be in my bed. I felt dizzy, maybe from the drinks, maybe from the crash. I don't know!


Next thing I knew I was in the hospital.

I must have passed out again.

I saw Jake sitting beside me with Henry and Liam.

My dad wasn't there.

I tried to sit up, but a Nurse standing beside me stopped me.

I was lying on a bed, still in my clothes.

"You just got here, we haven't inspected you yet. This will be easier now that you're awake." Said the nurse.

She sat down on a stool chair.

"So, what hurts?" She asked.

"Uhm.. My chest feels sort of tight, my leg hurts, and my neck hurts a little too."

She thought for a second.

"Okay. I need you three to stand outside of the room for a minute, there should be waiting chairs." She nodded to Jake, Liam, and Henry.

They all looked disappointed but walked out of the room.


The nurse stood up and helped me it up straight.

"Can you try to put this on?" She grabbed a gown from behind her.

I nodded.

After I changed into the gown, I looked at myself. My leg looked very bruised, with what might be a scar on it.. My neck still hurt, and when I changed I saw my chest looked really red.

She walked into the room, seeing I was done changing. She stood over the bed and stared at my leg.

She examined it.

"Can you prop the leg up?" She asked me.

I raised it up slowly, waves of pain gripping my body anytime the leg moved as much as an inch.

She inspected the leg again. "It looks pretty bruised, and you might have hit it on a piece of metal or something. It's your knee, so I get why it hurts to move your leg."

I nodded slowly, "Okay.."

"It might scar," She added. She walked up and looked at the top of the gown.

"Can I see your chest for a second?"

I shifted my hands nervously. "Sure."

After I showed her my chest, she explained that it must have been the seatbelt.

She looked at my neck, feeling the back of it.

"Okay, so, can you explain what happened in the crash?"

I thought for a moment.

"I don't remember much, but I know that two cars crashed in front of me and I swerved. I hit a sidewalk and slid onto the grass, then my car hit a rock or something and stopped out of nowhere."

"You must remember more then much then!" She said, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

"I think what happened was that when you swerved, your body might have went forward and onto the seatbelt, and if your body was forward then your neck was too. When you stopped out of nowhere, you must have hit your neck on the seat, causing whiplash." She explained.

"So basically, your throat and chest was blocked from air cause of the seatbelt, and then you got whiplash. Your chest is probably just bruised, and whiplash.. well.." She paused.

"That could never go away, go away in months, years.." She started naming times.

I looked down. Really? I was being so stupid. Why did I think of even driving in the first place? I didn't remember.

Jake, Liam, and Henry were all in the room again and they just stared at me while they ran tests on me.

What if they found out I was drinking alcohol? I'm only sixteen..

I closed my eyes and fell asleep once again.




I can't believe he got himself into a crash.. Not a car crash, but I would say this is close enough!

This just showed me how much he means to me. I really need to tell him how I feel now, don't I? What if he's in here for a long time?

Thoughts raced through my mind..

I need to tell him.


UHMMM YEA WE NEEDED A CHANGE IN THE STORY SOO.. and also i have whiplash from a crash i got into from march of last year so like poor old drew😔 also ignorw the fact he wasnt acting like he was hungover, i didnt wanna write allat while he was dealinf w a car crash so like pretend he just.. doesnt get hungover this time?? I DONT KNOW BROO

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