[Comet x Reader] Give it one more day.

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Pairing: Comet x Beastial Reader
Tropes: Fluff
Additional: Reader is a moth beastial
Requested by: echo_but_she_read

[A/N]: I love comet I love comet I love comet I love comet

You had quickly flown out of the rings, flying away from an infected object without looking back.

You flew into a branch on your way out which had caused you to fall down and hit the grass below, ouch... Your wing was a bit hurt, and would probably need a day at least to heal up... You sighed as you stood up and walked further away, and walking fully away from Outer Ring into the Outskirts...

You were a bit worried, you had heard how carnivorous objects would infamously die out here, good thing you were a herbivore object? Ehhh... Still... there was a risk of you dying out here, it mostly had looked of only grass around, not to mention no water sources nearby... and the fact your wing hurt would make it take longer till you left this hellhole...

After about an hour of walking, you saw a purple tent in the distance... did that have any resources?! It would be wrong to steal some resources... but... damn it, you hadn't eaten in a while, and maybe they had some resources you could take! Screw morals for now!

You went in, and saw it was empty... besides some resources, good... great, even! You could just take some resources and-

"Excuse me, what are you doing..?"

...Shit. You nervously turned around and saw a hominid object stand at the entrance of the tent. You froze in place... crap... what do you say-?!

Soon enough, you were sitting on a small pillow in front of her, explaining your situation, to which she had gently nodded in response, understanding...

"I see... ...here, you can stay for the night, or Atleast until your wing heals... I'll give you some resources for your journey as well..." She had said, holding her hand over yours to comfort you, and you hadnt even realized that you were crying...

"T...Thank you..." You responded...

"Don't mention it."

The rest of the day, the woman, who you found was named Comet, showed you a bit around the outskirts, and showed you a water source which looked... a bit pitiful, but better than nothing.

She smiled gently has she handed you a small bowl of soup, and as she helped adjust your wing to help it heal better.

She settled you down to lay in her tent, and you two soon fell asleep, Comet looking out the tent into the rings, which certainly looked better from afar, to say the least...

Today was nice when you met her... You didn't wanna leave yet...


The next day, Comet went up to you as you were stretching while looking out into the rings

"How's your wing?" She asked, her voice more quiet.

You thought for a bit... you didn't wanna leave yet... Eh, what's a little white lie?

"Oh- uh, it... it still hurts a little..."

Comet seemed worried while looking at it...

"Oh, it... looks fine to me"

"Well, it still hurts a bit..."

"Ah, well, you can stay another day, it should be better tomorrow..."

You sighed in relief...

It was a bit obvious that you were fine, you could easily move around, hell, you even were stretching your wings.

Comet soon realized what you were doing, I mean, she's in her 30s! She's not dumb.

The next day, she came up to you.

"Is it all better? I saw you moving it a lot yesterday."

Ah... She found out..?

"...It... it still hurts..." You lied, looking away nervously...

Comet just chuckled, and looked to you.

"...Let's give it one more day to heal, and see if it's better tomorrow..."

[A/N]: Ok this was a bit harder to write. Again, I don't have a beta reader, and I'm super sorry if this is ooc Ive actually never written for Comet

Words: 665 (oh wow)

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