Knights Embrace (SMUT)

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As Dalston's gaze meets Lawson's, a sudden warmth floods his face, and his heart quickens. He realizes their close proximity and attempts to shift, hoping to distance himself from the unexpected intimacy. However, to his dismay, he finds himself immobilized beneath Lawson's weight.

Despite his efforts to suppress them, waves of desire surge through Dalston, drawing him towards Lawson's comforting presence. In that fleeting moment, all semblance of decorum and restraint fades away, leaving only the raw intensity of their shared longing hanging heavy in the air. With each beat of his heart, Dalston is acutely aware of the magnetic pull between them, a force too potent to resist.

Confusion and desire swirl tumultuously within him as Dalston grapples with the unsettling truth of his emotions. Caught between the thrill of attraction and the weight of societal expectations, he struggles to reconcile the conflicting desires battling for dominance in more ways than one.

Dalston's eyes flutter open to the harsh reality of his surroundings. Disappointment washes over him as he realizes he's no longer immersed in the intimate embrace of his reverie. Instead, he finds himself alone in his tent, the lingering warmth of the dream fading into the cold light of day. With a groan, Dalston sits up, the throbbing ache in his head a cruel reminder of the indulgences of the previous night. He rubs his temples, trying to banish the remnants of the dream from his mind as he grapples with the discomfort of his hangover. The taste of regret lingers on his tongue as he reflects on the choices that led him to this sorry state.

As Dalston sits in his tent, nursing his hangover and contemplating the events of the previous night, he's interrupted by the sound of rustling outside. Moments later, the flap of his tent is pulled back, and Lawson's familiar face peeks inside, "Hey, Dalston," Lawson says softly, his voice carrying the warmth of genuine concern. "I gathered some breakfast for us this morning. Thought you might be hungry." He offered Porridge he gathered and cooked from the camp's makeshift pantry to Dalston. Dalston's heart swelled with gratitude at Lawson's thoughtfulness, though a pang of guilt tugged at him for his behavior the night before. "Thanks, Lawson," Dalston replies, his voice hoarse from the remnants of his hangover. "I appreciate it." Lawson's gaze flickered with a hint of surprise at the deeper, huskier tone of Dalston's voice. He finds himself momentarily captivated by the rawness of it, a subtle shift from the usual pitch he's accustomed to. Lawson managed to hold his composure. "No problem, Dalston," As Dalston reached for the bowl, As Dalston reached for the bowl, his stomach growling in anticipation, he quickly scarfed down the porridge with a grateful nod to Lawson. The warmth of the food seemed to chase away some of the lingering effects of his hangover, restoring a bit of vitality to his weary body.

As the last spoonful of porridge disappeared, Dalston let out a satisfied sigh. He looked up at Lawson, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thanks again for breakfast, Lawson," he said, his voice softer now, a hint of warmth creeping into his tone. Lawson returned the smile, his gaze lingering on Dalston's face for a moment longer than necessary. "Anytime, Dalston," he replied, his own voice taking on a slightly husky quality. The air between them crackled with tension, the unspoken undercurrents swirling around them like a gentle breeze. But before either of them could address the palpable chemistry that hung between them, they were interrupted by the sudden appearance of the commander, his stern expression signaling the gravity of the situation.

Taking no time the commander got down to business. "We've identified a potential expansion site for the camp," he explains, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "It's located a few miles up the road, and we need you two to head out there and mark out the area." Dalston and Lawson exchange a quick glance, silently acknowledging the importance of the task they've been assigned. The expansion of the camp is a significant undertaking, one that could have far-reaching implications for the entire operation. With that in mind, they listen attentively as the commander lays out their objectives. "The two of you need to spend the night out there to get a proper assessment of the area," the commander continues, his gaze fixed firmly on Lawson and Dalston. "Once you've completed your survey, return to camp and provide a detailed report of your findings. Is that clear?"

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