The Rose-Red Tyrant [2/?]

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𝘈 𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦/𝘈 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘦/𝘈 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘯/𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯/𝘈 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘵


"Let's see, our next class is..." Dueces eyes skim over the piece of paper in his hand. Finding what he's looking for, he opens his mouth to announce which class they have next but Ace cuts him off with an aggravated huff. "This so-called magic academy feels a lot like a lame, ordinary school. It's not exactly what I expected, but at least this collar won't be much of a problem after all. You with me on that, Grim?" There's no response. "...Hm?" Ace looks around the hallway, Deuce and Yuu doing the same. Yuu can already feel the dread settling in. "Huh? Where'd Grim go?"
"Oh! Look out the window! I just saw a ball of fur running across the yard!" Following Deuces gaze, they see a little grey ball running around the courtyard. "He's cutting class on the first day?! Ugh, the Headmage is going to be furious.." Yuu groans to themself, already feeling a headache coming on.
"Boy, that guy is not a fast learner."
"Not a good look to lose your only student on your first day as a prefect. Want help catching him?" This is a too good to be true offer Ace is giving but considering that Yuu has never caught Grim once on their own, they're going to have to hope Ace has no ulterior motives. "Please, Ace! Please, Deuce!" A cheeky grin is already forming on Aces face, "I do love the chocolate croissants at the co-op." Of course. "I'd do it for an iced latte at the cafeteria." Deuce too?! What has this world come to. Too bad Yuu does not have the money for this so they'll have to settle for giving an empty promise. "Fine, just go catch Grim!"
"Pleasure doing business. Now, Deuce, shall we clean up the mess made by the worst prefect to ever set foot on campus?"
"I can already taste that latte, Ace." Now with that out of the way, they all make their way towards the courtyard. "Get back here, Grim!" Hearing his name, Grim whips around to see an angry Yuu stomping towards him, Ace and Deuce behind him with weirdly cocky grins. "Myah?! No way!" Grim makes a run for it. Ace, Yuu and Deuce quickly running after him. The four run around the courtyard until eventually Grim tries to make a break for it into the hallways. But the second he turns the corner, Ace, Deuce, and Yuu all heard a thump as Grim ran into something. "Myah?!" Oh no. Did Grim run into a student- or even worse, a teacher? Stopping in their tracks, they stare at the hallway in concern. They don't want to get tangled up in whatever problem Grim just got himself into. Just as they're about to turn around and act as if they're not associated with the monster, their worries are quickly dispelled when they see who steps out from behind the corner. "I believe this is yours." Relief floods his system as Yuu walks up to [Name] who was holding Grim up by the scruff of his neck. "[Name]-senpai, Thank you!" Yuu gives a short bow, taking Grim out of their hands. Although Yuu's happy, the same can't be said about Deuce and Ace, who let out a disappointed groan at the realization that their free food/drink ticket is no longer valid. "Perhaps from now on you should attach a leash to that collar of his. Keep him more in line." Not liking that idea, Grim squirms in Yuus hold. "Mrrah! I've had it with these boring classes!" Struggling to keep Grim in place, Yuu tightens his hold and secures the cat against his chest like it's a hug. "Come on Grim, you're making a scene. If you don't go to these classes you'll never become a great mage!" Seeing that he wont be escaping this time, Grim slumps in Yuu's arms. "UGH! When did you get all bossy?"
"Since now. Now come on, we have to get to class. You wasted our entire break." Giving his thanks to you again, he and the other freshmen leave to go to their next class. You doing the same.

"Wooo! Lunchtime at last!" Grim cheers from within Yuu's hold who hasn't let go since what happened at break. Getting in the line with everyone else, Grim eyes all the food hungrily, nearly drooling on the food. "Whoa! They got some good-lookin' grub!" Grim starts pointing out the different types of food, "Look how fluffy those omelets are! Ooh, grilled chicken! And a bacon-and-egg tart!" He shouts, causing the students around him to stare. "Shhh! Dude, inside voices! Where was this energy earlier today?" Grim ignores Ace and instead pats Yuu's arm, trying to catch his attention. "Yuu, grab me the grilled chicken! There's only one left!" Grim points towards the piece of chicken thats next to the person in front of them. "And an omelet too. And that jelly-filled bread. Just fill your whole tray with 'em!" In his excitement, Grim attempts to grab it himself by jumping out of Yuu's arms who struggles to catch him, failing. Running around the counter Grim grabs the grilled chicken he wanted, dropping it on Yuu's tray. On his way back to grab more food, Grim ended up bumping into the student in front of them which caused them to accidentally bump into their own friend. "Ow!"
"Hey! Watch where you're goin'!" Two boys, one with red hair and the other with white, turn around, glaring at the cat. The white haired boy looks at their plate, noticing that somethings wrong with it. Gasping, the student utters out a "M-my carbonara! You broke the yolk!" But that despair quickly turns to anger which is quickly shared between the both of them. "Whoa, that's messed up! Pokin' the egg is the best part! You better make this right, pal!" It seems these two are just looking for a fight. "I'm gonna need that grilled chicken of yours as compensation." The boy whos yolk Grim broke reaches towards Yuus tray, aiming right for Grims grilled chicken. "Myah?! No way! Hands off the bird, chump! I need my protein, because I am HANGRY!" Grim swats his hand away. "Hey! That's no way to speak to an upperclassman! Catch me outside and I'll teach you some respect!"
Seeing that this conversation will go nowhere but downhill, Deuce tries to step in. "Um, excuse me, sir, but it said in the handbook that fighting with magic was prohibited..."
"Fighting? You got it all wrong. This is just me helpin' an ignorant freshman know his place."
"Now, let's see just how many ways there are to skin a cat, heh!"

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