Chapter 8

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Wassuppp wassuppp,imma skip to the first day of school cause I don't wanna bore yall 😝 What yall think about the new characters ?? ALSO I'm making the twins 18 instead of 19 so that Chas can go to school with them

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨


I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear and quickly shut it off. I sighed as I stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before eventually getting up. I walked over to my closet and picked out Tahj's outfits. I wanted us to match a little bit so I grabbed some blue jeans, a white hoodie and my blue,black, and white Jordans. I went over to Tahj's said of the closet and picked out the same things. I walked over to the bathroom and ran Tahj a bath. I made sure to put some bubbles inside and made sure to check the temperature of the water was good for him. I walked out the bathroom, into my room, and woke up Tahj.

Tahj isn't a morning person so it took me a couple of minutes to get him up and out of bed. I got him in the bath with no fuss thankfully, I washed him up, washed his hair, as well as his face. Once he was all cleaned I got him out the tub and gave him his toothbrush. He started brushing his teeth and I did the same. I finished before him and helped him to make sure he brushed everywhere. We walked out the bathroom and someone knocked on my door. "Coming in" I said as I grabbed Tahj's lotion off the dresser as the door opened. "Good morning Principessa. Good morning Bubba " "good morning papa" I said drying Tahj off. "morning nonno" Tahj said dryly. "Are you two excited for school today" "no" Tahj said. Me and Vincenzo laughed at the same time.

"I'm just a little scared, I hate started fresh" "Yea it sucks having to leave behind friends" Vincenzo said sitting down on my couch. "I didn't really have friends back at home Tahj did but I didn't I stayed to myself" I said quickly making up a lie. "and thats okay to do but I do want you to make at least one friend so you don't have to be lonely. Yea you'll have your brothers but they might not always be there for you" "yea I guess" I said quietly as I finished getting Tahj dressed. Vincenzo walked up to me and kissed my forehead. "Alright I'm going to wake the boys up I love you" I looked up at him and gave him a smile. I know I probably hurt his feelings not saying I love you back but I'm not comfortable saying it yet.

Other than Tahj I haven't said that to anyone else. He turned around and walked out the room closing the door behind him. I gave Tahj his iPad so I can get myself ready. I quickly got in the shower quickly washed my body and my face. I got out the shower and lotion my body, I put my outfit on and spray perfume on myself. I put a little bit of cologne on Tahj and went into the bathroom and did some light makeup. I dried my hair a little bit and did my curl routine. Once I was done I made sure me and Tahj had everything in our book bags and put them near the bedroom door. I decided to do Tahj's hair so I sat him on the bathroom counter and quickly refreshed his curls. I finished his hair and we both went downstairs. I put our book bags near the garage door and we walked into the kitchen. I finally know my way around a little bit more than I did last week.

Me and Tahj walk into the dining room where everyone else was and sat down. "Morning" I said putting some food on my plate. "Morning" I heard from a few of the boys. Everything is pretty much good with the boys obviously except with Carter. Last week Kahlil found out about my scares and bruises and he hasn't told anyone yet which I'm really thankful for but I've been avoiding him like the plague. I put some food on Tahj's plate and he started eating. I started eating as well, my eating has gotten a little bit better but I'm still underweight. Cameron always has something to say when it comes to my eating. I ignore him as best as I can but it's really starting to irritate me.

    I ate until I couldn't and had some apple juice, I gave Tahj some as well. Finally after breakfast it was time to go to school so the twins, Tahj, and I  got into the car. Cameron was driving us so we got to school pretty quick unfortunately, I had Cameron drop me off in front of Tahj's school which was right across the parking lot from the high school. He drove off and I walked into Tahj's school. I walked up to the desk to get the directions of his class. "Hi Ma'am I'm Chasity Armando, I'm Tahj Armando's mom. I wanted to know where his class is?" "Good morning ma'am let me check the system." She began typing on the computer. "Okayyy, he's going to be in room 221. With Miss Honey and Mrs. Joe" "Okay thank you" I said giving her a smile. "You're welcome have a great day" "thank you. You too" I walked out of the office and started walking towards his classroom. It wasn't too hard to find because the classrooms were in order and the teachers were standing outside.

     We were the first to be there so I introduced myself to Tahj's teachers and I helped him put his stuff in his desk.I took a picture of him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before giving him a hug. "Bye mommy" "bye baby have a great day I'll see you at lunch" I walked out the classroom saying bye to his teachers. I check the time and I was going to be late to class. I quickly walked over to the high school and went to the main office, got my schedule and my locker as well as the combination. I went over to my locker, quickly put the things I didn't need inside and started trying to find my way to english. The late bell rung and I finally got to class I walked in and everyone's heads shot over to me as the door slammed behind me. "You're late." The teacher Mr. Grey says looking up from his computer.

"Its my second day of school hop off my dick" I said as I walked by him "language young lady" he said in a warning tone "Whatever" I said as I sat in an empty seat in the back of the class. "What's your name young lady?" The teacher said yelling loud enough for me to hear him. "Why are you yelling." "I'm not" He said in the same tone "you're giving me a headache I'm the only new student here. Clearly they emailed you about that?" "Oh your Miss Armando, you must be Carter and Cameron's sister" "nope" i said putting my headphones in blasting my music.

Eventually, class ended and I was the first to walk out, I now had forensics science. I found the class on time and walked in sitting in the back of the class. Everyone got to class, and the teacher started attendance. He was really boring I know I'm going to hate this class, "Chasity Armando" "here" I said raising my hand "Are you Carter and Cameron's sister" "no" I said dryly "mmm must be a coincidence than" He continued attendance with his annoying ass voice. "Ace Bianchi" "here" the person next to me said. To be honest I never really noticed him I looked over at his and he was pretty attractive not my type but still attractive. He looked over at me and winked, making me cringe and turn to face the front.


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