About me

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Before I start I want you guys to know about me !

My name is Mia , I ship FOURTRIS and SHEO. I'm obsessed over divergent I have O.D.D ( obsessive divergent disorder ) I cried when I found out that the Ferris wheel in divergent at navy peir that tris and Tobias ( four at that time ) climes is getting taken down and replaced ! I know every line that tris and tobias/four says ( almost) and every actor and at least five lines that they say !

Do you guy think that's on obsession I call it a hobbie.

I have an Instagram account that I will follow you back on its called divergentlife2020 if you want to cheek that out I also have 2 Pinterest account called forever.an.initate and forever.a.divergent.fan
I know probably nobody is going to read this but still here we go ...
And that about it 😊
Mia xoxo ❤️

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