Chapter 29

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A moment passed, and Teddi watched as Timothy materialized again, just to Darrin's right. In spite of the gravity of the situation, she could not help grinning as Darrin shuddered. "Timothy is back," she announced.

Darrin closed his eyes, and shook his head. "Dude, that is spooky cool, but I don't think I could ever get used to it."

Timothy sighed. "I haven't, either. They are coming out. Jenny has told Parker that she'll go with him, to Romania. He still has his gun, somewhere."

Teddi frowned. "You're mixing me up, Timothy. She's going with him? Or is she playing along?"

Timothy lowered his eyes. "I can't read her mind. Jenny is a fine actress, and Dominic is her audience. I think she may be trying to protect the rest of you, or what she and I spoke of. Or maybe she has another plan."

Teddi shifted her weight, looking for a more comfortable spot. Something in Timothy's words and tone bothered her. She searched around in her mind, and found a possibility. She scanned the concept, and covered her mouth.

"She and you? Timothy, do you mean...." She stopped. She shivered. "Are you...well, are you and she...or are Parker and she..."

Timothy interrupted her. "You will have to judge when she comes out. What I mean, or what I think, doesn't matter. Miss Reese, I'm sorry, but I am weary beyond words."

Darrin leaned forward. "Ghosts get tired?"

"After a fashion. In the end, yes."

Teddi heard the sharp click of a deadbolt sliding home at the back door. Alerted to the approach of the pair, Teddi motioned for silence. She peered through the brush. She studied Jenny's face, searching for any sign of anxiety or fear on her friend's features. She could see none, and felt doubts creep up to fill her. Does she want to go, or not? Jenny approached Dominic's car. Twenty paces separated them from the vehicle, then fifteen, then ten. Did she hesitate? Now five. Teddi knew it was now or never, and she did the bravest thing she had ever done in her young life. She stood up.

"Jenny," she said, simply.

Jenny stopped. Dominic stopped as well, putting one hand on the crook of Jenny's elbow; his other hand reached beneath his suit-jacket.

"Who's there?" His voice was low, but the menace carried all the way to the bush. "Show yourself. Now. I'm not playing."

Teddi knew he had not spotted them, and quickly weighed whether shouting, "It's the police!" would be helpful. She decided not to bluff. "I'm Teddi Reese. I'm a friend of Jenny's." She stepped out of the darkness where they could see her clearly. Troy and Darrin remained motionless, but Teddi heard Troy crack his knuckles in expectation.

"Teddi!" Jenny cried and lunged toward her, but stopped; Teddi saw Dominic's strong fingers on her friend's arm.

"No. You said you were coming with me, Jenny. Come on. We've got a plane to catch."

Time seemed to stand still, and the three figures froze, a tableau in the darkness, waiting for one of them to break the stalemate; their hearts thudding so loudly in the stillness that they merged into one great sound.

Jenny caught at her throat, and fought back tears. "Dominic, I...I don't really want to go. Please. I don't want to go. Don't hurt my friends. Or me. But I don't want to go."

Dominic pulled her to his side and took his other hand from his jacket. "Is there someone else? Or one skinny girl; is that it? Or maybe more of your friends are hiding over there in the bushes?" He called out. "You may as well stand up. I know you're there."

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