Father-Daughter dinner

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This is going to be a pretty long chapter so be prepared😘😘
Also, i'm trying to improve my writting, so feel free to correct me on anything.

I am working on my assignment when i suddenly feel the couch dip down. I look to my right and see fred looking down at me with a soft smile on his face.

"Hey" i say looking up

"Hey" he responded " i heard about the grim and the boggart, any idea what it's supposed to mean?"

"No," i anwser,"my father say's that he'll tell me tonight, so i try not to think about it to much right now,"

He nodded understandingly.
We just sat there in a comfortabele silence for a few minutes before he spoke up.

"You have to eat y/n, you've barely ate anything today," he sounded slightly concerned.

"I have a banana," i say holding it up

"Then eat it," he said while taking the banana and peeled. He holds it to my mouth for me to take a bite.

I open my mouth while he put it in. I put my lips around it and look him dead in the eyes while taking a bite out of it.
I could see him bitting his lip while his cheeks had a slight blush on them.
I grinned slightly and turned back to my assignment like nothing happend while i finished the bite.
I could see him bitting the inside of his lip while looking at me. I was proud of my move since i'm usually not that bold.

He tapped my shoulder making me look back at him.

"Finish it," he said waving the banana around.

"Not right now. I need to work on my assignment," i said

"You can work on that later," he said taking the book out of my hands and putting it next to him out of my reach.

"Fred," i say while giving him an annoyed yet slightly ammused look.

"Y/n," he said giving me the same look

I sighed and took the banana. He watched me making sure i finish it.
"There, it's gone," i said waving the peel infront of him

"Good," he said chuckeling

"Can i have my book back now," i asked

He thought about it before turning back to me and tapping his cheek with his finger, indicating for a kiss.

I looked at him and gave him a 'really' look.

"Hey i don't make the rules," he said smirking at me

I sighed playfully before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek lingering a bit.

When i pulled back i saw a hint of red on his cheek, but decided not to tease him about it.

He handed me my book back.

He shifted and pulled me into him so that i was snuggeld up in his side with his arm around my shoulder. He was watching me work while twirling my hair with his fingers.
We stayed like that for about 10 minutes before the bell for our last period rang.

He helped me gathered all my stuff before we walked out of the library together.

"I'll see you later y/n/n," he said walking backwards

"See ya later," i said and watched him smile at me before turning and walking away.

------------------------time skip------------------------

I arrived at my fathers classroom. I went to the back where his office is and knocked on the door.

He opened it and pulled me in a hug.

The Brave Girl- (fred weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now