Chapter 5 Win Your Wife Back

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“I didn’t do it, so why should I admit to anything?”
Natalie balled her fists, letting her nails dig into her palms. That seemed like the only way she could control the chill that threatened to consume her heart.

Ever since she married Henry, he believed she was a sly woman with ulterior motives—even though she had never asked him for anything in the past few years.

In his eyes, her genuine feelings for him were nothing but a joke.

He never trusted her.

Natalie felt like her soul had been crushed, though she stubbornly put on a brave front the way she always did.

For a brief second, Henry seemed to notice the flicker of sorrow in her eyes.

Why would a woman like her feel sad or hurt?

She was just pretending!

Henry clenched his jaw and snarled out, “You’re claiming that you didn’t do it? I can’t believe how shameless you are!”

Natalie didn’t have the strength to continue arguing with Henry. “You can believe what you want. Either way, I don’t know what photos you’re talking about.”

Then, she opened the door to get out.

Perhaps overwhelmed by her emotions, as soon as she got out of the car, she felt pain in her abdomen.

Natalie’s heart stopped. She quickly tapped on the door of the car. “Henry, my stomach hurts. Please take me to the hospital!”

The pain intensified.

Natalie grew afraid when she thought about the baby.

She kept tapping on the car. “Henry! I’m really in a lot of pain …”

Henry simply eyed her coldly. “Aren’t you tired of always using these tricks, Natalie?”

Few people came to the outskirts of the city. There were barely any other cars around.

Henry was the only one she could ask for help.

Natalie had a pleading look on her face. “I’m not playing any games! Please, I’m begging you … My stomach hurts badly … Hospital … Take me to the hospital … Please …”

Henry continued to stare indifferently at her. He remained unmoved. “I won’t fall for your tricks! Natalie Shepherd, even if you dropped dead in front of me, I wouldn’t care at all.”

Then, he slammed on the gas pedal and drove off.

“Henry! Henry!” Natalie wanted to stop him, but her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground.

An hour later, Natalie was at the hospital.

The doctor instructed, “Even though it’s past the first trimester, you still have to be careful. You have a weak body, so you need to get enough rest. Also, you need to care for your emotional well-being as well.”

Natalie looked exhausted. “Thank you, doctor. I’ll remember that.”

“You can leave once the drip has been fully administered,” the doctor said before leaving the ward.

Leslie, who had been sitting beside Natalie the whole time, growled out, “Henry’s such a bastard! How heartless of him! Thank goodness you called me in time, or else—”

“Let’s drop the subject. I don’t want to talk about him,” Natalie cut in.

Leslie sighed and accompanied Natalie in silence.

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