Epilogue 1

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Sanem POV

I've been thinking about last night.. Mrs. Divit the noises you made and how giving you were. Fuck! If I'd known this I would have impregnated you sooner. He replies with a smirk emoji. 

I wish you were here. I want you inside me right now. I text. 

I turn red and giggle. Why is he so sexy? 

Can is in a meeting with a new client, and his sense of humor never fails to make me smile. I appreciate that he takes the time to send me sweet messages even while he's busy. Let's be honest, sometimes those messages aren't so sweet. I like when we are both in the office and I see him scratching his beard to hide his smile as he is texting me something naughty. Being six months pregnant, I find myself feeling horny all the time. I'm amazed at how Can manages to keep up with me. My cravings are not only intense but strike at unexpected times. Last night, after being satisfied, I suddenly had a strong desire for eggs topped with peanut butter. Can gave me a puzzled look, but I couldn't shake the delicious idea from my mind.

I stroll over to Ceycey's desk, ready for some light banter. "I'm all out of Sanem," Ceycey declares. 

"What do you mean?" I reply with feigned innocence. 

He narrows his eyes suspiciously. "I'm fresh out of chocolate." 

I pout and retort, "Are you seriously going to deny a pregnant lady her chocolate fix?"

I notice that he starts to sweat and become super jittery "I-I" he clears his throat. In this moment I raise my eyebrow because I know he is lying to me. "Mr. Can... he-he said no more chocolate." After his declaration, he ran off to hide from me. 

I notice him starting to sweat and become jittery. "I-I," he stammers, clearing his throat. At that moment, I raise an eyebrow, knowing he is lying to me. "Mr. Can... he-he said no more chocolate," he declares before quickly running off to hide from me.

I'm about murder my dear husband. How dare he get in the way of my sweets?! I stammer towards his office and lucky for him his clients have left. "My dear husband do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?!" 

He narrows his eyes, confusion is evident. 

"You told Ceycey to not give me chocolates?" I stand with my hands on my waist. 

"Baby I think you should calm down." He walks towards me like he is attempting to soothe a wild animal. He guides me to sit next to him. "I notice you have been eating too many sweets. You've been stress eating after finding out the sex of the baby." 

I look down at our tangled hands "It's a girl Can." I smile "it makes it the more real. We are responsible of educating and shaping her. I'm nervous to thinking that I could instill any negative thoughts in her."

Can reaches out to gently cup my face, his touch warm and reassuring. "We will raise her with love and positivity. We will teach her how to be strong and confident," he says softly. "I know you will be an amazing mother," Can continues. "And I will be right by your side every step of the way, supporting you and our daughter."He says as he passes his hands over my belly. 

"I love you and our precious baby girl." I say putting my hand over his thats on my belly. "I will cut back on my sweets" I kiss him in the lips "but right now I really want a green apple and cheddar cheese. Oh and crackers."

"Right now?" 

I nod. "Pretty please" I plead. He sighs and goes to grab his coat. "Have I told you how much I love you?" I smile up at him from the chair. He gives me a kiss and goes to get me apples. 

He looks so fine right now... I run to follow him to his truck. I need him inside me right now. 


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