Chapter 4

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"Concentrate Sanem, stop being so ridiculous" I whisper to myself as I sit on my desk pressing my fingers to my head, trying to massage this massive pain away. It feels like all the tension has centered in my skull, giving the ultimate headache. I know where all this stems from, it's my internal struggles. All day long, I've struggled. Struggled not to snap when Can baits me, struggled to not look at the man for his physical glory, and struggled because I honestly don't know what to think of him.

Throughout the day I decided to be a coward and avoid Can. I walked around Fikri Harika and if I saw him nearby I shielded my face with a book or hid behind a column. Ceycey noticed my odd behavior "you okay?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled, putting an act to avoid this particular conversation.

"Sanem!" I hear Deren and Can yell for me at the same time

Dam! There was nowhere else to hide. I look at them both waiting for them to tell me who to answer to first. Deren makes a hand gesture for me to go to Can. My feet feels heavy and before I move, he motions for me to follow him. We walk downstairs to the recreational area when I see a mint color bike in the middle of the room. I furrow my brows... is this what I think it is?

"What's going on?" I question

"I want to apologize... I should've never, ever spoken to you that way. I'm sorry about your bike and I hope you can accept my gift and forgiveness."

"You got me a gift?" I gape at him

He scratches his beard "I was a asshole and I saw how upset you were. You're just so stubborn." I heard him murmur the last part.

"I am...Sorry for everything" emotions thicken my voice and I look away

About time you admitted it

It was a beautiful bike. I can't believe he did this nice gesture. His eyes are trained on me and the intensity makes me look away.

"Thank you" I say after a moment and Can's grin widens. He touches my arm and I feel a spark in that touch. I think he felt it too because he pulled back. I sadden wishing his hand would stay there longer.

Sanem what are you thinking? Focus!

I touch the bike admiring it. I'm excited to ride to my secret place and write... I feel so inspired today.


For the last two weeks I have been working with the copywriting team, editors, Deren, and at times Can on the Galina campaign. Can and I have been friendly since his gift. We would ride in his truck to visit clients and during our car rides we would play music and talk about our passions. I learned that Can loves photography, has traveled to almost every country possible, loves food just like me, and likes listening to my mythology stories. He makes me feel so comfortable. There are time where I think of wanting more from Can but I push those thoughts aside.

He makes me feel so comfortable and safe that I was able to bounce even the most ridiculous ideas for campaigns and he listen. When I finally got the concept for Galina it was presented to Ms. Remide and I think we got the business deal (I think I saw a smirk from her, she is a difficult woman). A few days later, Deren bustles into the center floor to announce that we won the campaign. I feel victorious, I finally feel like I belong here and I have made my mark.

I walk into Can's office to bring him his tea. He looks at me impressed "you have a special mind. You are so you?"

"You're calling me abnormal?"

"I'm calling you exceptional."

I must've made a face because he laughed "you know it's a compliment."

I got speechless because his dark eyes were pointed directly at me and I noticed how nice his mouth was. I fumbled for words "I uh, um, t-thank you."

He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. His hand linger for a moment longer than necessary. My heart skipped a beat, warmth washed over my cheeks. I wondered if he could hear the restless pounding in my chest.

"Mr. Can" Ceycey walks in the office

Can withdrew his hand after Ceycey interruption. I felt longing lingered in his eyes.

"Mr. Can I need to remind you that tonight is Fikri Harika's 40th anniversary. Your father is expecting you at the venue earlier than the guests." Ceycey stammers

I walk out of Can's office like a chicken without a head, I completely forgot about the 40th anniversary that all employees must attend. I run to Leila (lately she has been liking me more since Im not embarrassing her in the office) "I need help" I say this in a rush "I don't have anything to wear to this party."

"Sanem go panic some where else." She rolls her eyes and sighs. "Wait, I think there's a dress that can fit you." she shades me.

There's the ice queen.


This is a new dress from Leila. Turning the tag over in my hand, my eyes nearly popped out when I read the price tag on the dress. "Eight hundred and fifteen dollars!" How could Leila afford this stuff? I'm here with my white converse and summer dress which must have cost me at least forty bucks, probably more. I'd have to ask her about this later. We don't have this kind of money to spend on luxury items.

Holding my face closer to the mirror, I searched for signs of empowerment or sexiness, but I came up empty. I looked a bit more put together in this glitter grey jersey dress with a low neckline, different than my work look. I slipped on some heels and put my hair up in a messy bun. The truth is I wanted to look beautiful- jaw dropping if I have to be honest. I'm not sure if I accomplished that. I shake my head, what are you thinking Sanem? Can is your boss and he is respectful as he is to everyone. You are just an employee in his office.

I arrived a bit late. I wanted to recreate an eyeliner look from a Youtube tutorial. I look great but it took me longer than I thought. I look around worried, where is everyone. I see my savior in a mint green suit "Ceycey, where is everyone?"

He speaks quickly but I understood "balcony D-2"I don't bother to understand his emotional state. Will work on that tomorrow. As I stepped into the room, I see that it's empty. I peer over the edge of the balcony hoping to catch a glimpse of my team. In that moment, I feel someone pull me back, their hands firm and commanding. Then his hands touch the side of my face, followed by a slow and tender kiss. His lips were the most moist and delicious lips I've tasted. Our mouths danced in a delicate rhythm, drawing us closer as his strong arms enveloped me in a secure embrace. The rest of the world forgotten.

As my eyes fluttered open, the presentation screen became bright white allowing my eyes to lock with my mystery man, my albatross.

You didn't even think about the fact that you just kissed a stranger. I visualize my inner thoughts narrowing her lips as she says this.

"Can?" I look at him cheekily. Did I just kissed Can Divit?

Can let out a breath he seemed nervous. Im still shocked over what happened. My nerves are getting the best of me, it's making my hands shake

"I- I didn't think this through" he says as he scratched his beard. He takes my hand and kisses them. " I've wanted to do that since the day I met you. I came with a speech prepared but seeing you here I couldn't hold back." He smirked. "Sanem, I think we need to talk."

I smiled. I looked at his eyes, so expressive and vulnerable. Then I looked at our hands. I nod "you feel it too?"

The presentation must have finished because I hear Deren in the hall yelling my name.

"We will talk later. Want to go out to dinner later?" Can says

"Yes, I'm so hungry."

Before I walk out, I look back and smile at him. He returns that dazzling smile that has driven me crazy for the past few weeks.

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