chapter three

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chapter three:

winning a battle, losing the war S1 : E3

Nadine could tell she was forgetting something as her and her daughter walked across the road towards the hospital

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Nadine could tell she was forgetting something as her and her daughter walked across the road towards the hospital. "Doctor Bailey, Doctor Shepherd." She smiled as her grip on her daughter tightened.

Bailey smiled slightly before realising the child. "Who's this angel?" She asked, a soft tone coating her voice as she waved. Nadine was zoned out, she couldn't remember something.

"This is my daughter, Cara. Say hi, this is my boss Dr Bailey." Nadine picked up Cara as she waved at Bailey and started to cross the road.

"Nadine!" Bailey shouted as she fell to the floor, landing on her front, rolling onto her back. Her hearing was fuzzy and her vision blurred, she could hear crying and shouts.

She felt something land on her leg, she could hear crashing, bells and yelling, lots of yelling. Nadine couldn't make sense of it.

It was loud, her head hurt and she could hear someone crying, whimpering. "Nadine." A voice muttered as nausea settled in on her. 

Coughs escaped her lips as she gagged, someone rolling her onto her side as she vomited. Her eyes watered as her head ached. She felt herself being picked up, but it hurt too much to open her eyes. 

In the distance she could hear shouting and sirens. "Mommy." She heard a cry as she was placed down somewhere.

Gags tore through her mouth again as she vomited into a bowl held up to her lips. "What happened?" Someone's panicked voice sounded as she felt someone touching her face.

"Nadine O'Malley, twenty five year old pedestrian versus cyclist. Concussion, obvious dislocation to her shoulder, unresponsive." Shepherd listed off as she opened her eyes.

George, Bailey, Izzie, Meredith, Alex and Derek looked down at her as she sat up. "Nay, sit down. Lay back. You're okay." George told his sister as she held a shaky hand to her forehead, pulling it away with blood.

"Where's Cara?" She muttered as she fell back and started convulsing. Grunts escaped her lips as they rolled her onto her side, her arm crashing against the bed.

"She's seizing." Bailey yelled. "Push two diazepam." She ordered as she held Nadine onto her side, running her hand through her hair. The convulsions slowed and she stilled, Bailey holding her on her side.

George picked Cara up. "She's epileptic and allergic to penicillin, she's on strong medications." George told the doctors as he took Izzie. "Can you check Cara over?" He asked as Bailey nodded.

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